Modular tool/armor mod for Minecraft. Crafting is handled with blueprints, which eliminate all recipe conflicts. Materials and parts can be added with JSON files via data packs. Gear crafting recipes (number of required materials, required parts, etc.) can also be changed with data packs.
This is based on and completely replaced the tool/armor system from Silent's Gems, but has various changes and improvements.
Add-on mods can add new part types, gear types, and trait types, as well as anything a data pack can do.
If you downloaded the mod from somewhere other than Curseforge or Modrinth (or as part of a modpack in some cases), I cannot make any guarantees about the file or its contents, as it may have been uploaded without my permission.
- Wiki (advanced information)
- GitHub repository (source code)
- Issue Tracker on GitHub (bug reports and feature requests)
- Discord Server (easiest way to get quick questions answered, do not use to report bugs)
To use Silent Gear in your project, you need to add dependencies for Silent Gear, Silent Lib, and silent-utils. Add the following to your build.gradle
You alse need to generate a GitHub token and add it along with your GitHub username to your personal
file in C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\.gradle
or ~/.gradle/
. This file may not exist, and you would have to create it yourself.
GitHub tokens can be generated here. Click Generate New Token and click the checkmark for read:packages
Example of
file in C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\.gradle
or ~/.gradle/
//Your GitHub username
// Your GitHub generated token (bunch of hex digits) with read permission
Code to add to build.gradle
. Note that "silentlib" is not hyphenated. I was following a different naming convention when the repo was created.
I prefer to assign my authentication details to a variable to reduce duplication and make the build file look cleaner.
// Authentication details for GitHub packages
// This can also go in the `repositories` block or you can inline it if you prefer
def gpr_creds = {
username = property('gpr.username')
password = property('gpr.token')
Add all the necessary repositories...
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials gpr_creds
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials gpr_creds
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials gpr_creds
And finally, add dependencies for Silent Gear and Silent Lib (which will include silent-utils for you).
dependencies {
// Replace VERSION with the version you need, in the form of "MC_VERSION-MOD_VERSION"
// Example: compile fg.deobf("net.silentchaos512:silent-gear:1.16.3-2.+")
// Available builds can be found here:
// The "exclude module" lines will prevent import errors in some cases
compile fg.deobf("net.silentchaos512:silent-gear:VERSION") {
exclude module: 'forge'
exclude module: 'jei-1.18.2'
exclude module: 'silent-lib'
exclude module: 'curios-forge'
// Same as before, VERSION is in the form "MC_VERSION-MOD_VERSION" (eg, 1.18.2-6.+)
compile fg.deobf("net.silentchaos512:silent-lib:VERSION") {
exclude module: "forge"