Barks should stop after zoning, even if to the same zone.
fix bug in loot for stackable items at root level of inventory (not bags)
fix issue of not checking for mq2cast during startup. (tho i should really just remove its reference...on the todo)
Cures now check if someone needs a heal while curing (looking at you cure clicky items)
During high throughput healing , priests will now check for mana regen (mod rods/aa/etc) instead of healing above all else. (these are usually insta cast anyway)
Removed debug assist range output.
If NowCast fizzles, a recast will be attempted.
Healing will now check for mana before attempting to heal.
Rogues check buffs before auto hide
Burns should go off faster especially for melee classes.
/buffme now checks to make sure you are in zone.
/yes and /no, will now also work on tasks/progression diaglos
Loot only Stackable will now honor "Skips" in the loot.ini file. (PR from Keemal!)
${AssistType} variable is now valid in the character ini
Your Rezers will now try to auto med between rezing characters (like /grez).
Change pet arm code to not require weapons (PR from Keemal!)
you can now delete buttons in e3ui, just empty out the name
you can now eat the hotkey if specified
New Features
If FD stay down=true
will keep your character staying down if they are FD. They will not assist. (misc char setting)
/debug is now a valid flag for spells/abilities. This will turn on the debug statements for a spell when it is cast.
/delayaftercast|time is now a valid flag for spells/abilities. This allows you to add specific delays after a spell is cast. This is useful for those in the EU or other countries with larger than normal ping times.
Exceptions can now be added to manastone usage at the character level.
These will stop mana stone from activating.
Chaining Ifs
You can now chain one if into another.
TankNotShrunk=(${Float[${Spawn[Rekken].Height}]} > 2.1) && ${TrueValue}
TrueValue=1 < 2
Stack buff Request
Stack Buff Request=SomeBuff01/StackRequetTargets|Alara,Yona,Bob/StackRecastDelay|1860/StackCheckInterval|10
Send a request for a buff, starting with Alara. If you ask, don't ask again for another 31 minutes, 10 sec between requests until you get the buff.
Sanctuary EQ custom classes are now accounted for.
This one is a pretty big deal. You now have a once per second (casting/doing stuff will make it take longer) check MQ query check to fire off any event in the character ini.
Skelly=/say By the power of greyskull
Enjoy :)
New Commands
/e3manastone true/false, will turn on/off mana stone usage.