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» Home » Chat » Player Guide


In order to speak in a chat channel, you may use the /chatchannel [channel] command, or simply the channel name as a command. This will cause any messages you send that do not match any of the patterns set up to be directed to that channel. You can also quickly send a message to a channel while remaining in your current channel by using /[channel] [message].

Muting and unmuting channels

Some channels may be muted or unmuted. Many server owners decide to allow you to mute out-of-character channels in order to allow you to focus on staying in-character. You may mute or unmute channels, either by using /listchatchannels and then selecting the Mute or Unmute buttons, or by using the /mute [channel] and /unmute [channel] commands.

Chat groups

Sometimes you may wish to have a chat group with friends you play with. This is similar in functionality to a Discord group chat, but has the convenience of being in-game. Chat groups can be created by using /chatgroup create [name]. The players you wish to invite to the chat group may then be invited using /chatgroup invite [name] [player], which they may accept or ignore. Once the players you wish to have in the chatgroup are present, you can message the chatgroup by using /chatgroup message [name] [message], and the message will be sent to all members of the chat group. You may view the members of a chat group with /chatgroup members to see who receives messages from that chat group. This also shows invitations that have been sent. Should you wish to leave the group, you can use /chatgroup leave [name], or if the chat group has outlived its usefulness, you can disband it using /chatgroup disband [name] for any group you may be a part of.

Private messages

Private messages can be seen like chat groups, in that they're an out-of-character private conversation over long distance, but they only involve two people. You can use /message [player] [message] in order to send a player a message, and /reply [message] to reply to the last private message or chat group message you received. Both /message and /reply work with either a player or a chat group as a target.

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