Orchard 1.10.2
This release contains bug fixes and improvements.
Please read the release notes at http://docs.orchardproject.net/Documentation/Orchard-1-10-2.Release-Notes.
What's new?
Orchard 1.10.2 fixes bugs and introduces the following notable changes and features:
- Custom Lucene analyzer selection
- New workflow activity to remove a role
- Strict Transport Security option for SSL
- Content Picker localization
- Filter widgets by culture
- Vary output cache by cookie
- "Publish later" tasks can be removed
- Default database indexes on Tags and Taxonomies
- Individual form submissions exports
- "Save" is renamed "Save Draft"
- C#5 validation is enforced
- New User.Parameter token
- Scheduled task is not deleted when the content is published
- Taxonomy sorting
- User Media folder names collisions
- Blog post permissions
- Configured database isolation level is not respected
- Gallery search is failing
- CacheManager is not thread-safe
- MySql failures on Setup
- Exporting TextField with empty values don't work
- Job queue is not processed in batches
The full list of fixed bugs for this release can be found here:
CI Artifacts: