Releases: OrchardCMS/Orchard
Orchard 1.10.3
This release contains bug fixes and improvements, please read the full release notes!
Orchard 1.10.2
This release contains bug fixes and improvements.
Please read the release notes at
What's new?
Orchard 1.10.2 fixes bugs and introduces the following notable changes and features:
- Custom Lucene analyzer selection
- New workflow activity to remove a role
- Strict Transport Security option for SSL
- Content Picker localization
- Filter widgets by culture
- Vary output cache by cookie
- "Publish later" tasks can be removed
- Default database indexes on Tags and Taxonomies
- Individual form submissions exports
- "Save" is renamed "Save Draft"
- C#5 validation is enforced
- New User.Parameter token
- Scheduled task is not deleted when the content is published
- Taxonomy sorting
- User Media folder names collisions
- Blog post permissions
- Configured database isolation level is not respected
- Gallery search is failing
- CacheManager is not thread-safe
- MySql failures on Setup
- Exporting TextField with empty values don't work
- Job queue is not processed in batches
The full list of fixed bugs for this release can be found here:
CI Artifacts:
Orchard 1.10.1
This release contains bug fixes and improvements.
Please read the release notes at
What's new?
Orchard 1.10.1 fixes bugs and introduces the following notable changes and features:
- Loading tenants retries configuration
- Double clicking submit buttons is prevented by javascript
- Configurable Snippets
- Using MarkdownSharp Nuget package
- AliasUpdater was refreshed twice
- AssemblyInfo files are correctly built now
- Unable to generate routes for Web APIs
- jQuery and other resources were incorrect
- Azure App Service crash when an exception is thrown from a [Shape] method
- Layout editing not working in Edge
- Azure Media Storage would not recognize its own urls
The full list of fixed bugs for this release can be found here:
Orchard 1.10
UPDATE (3/21/2016): An updated file has been uploaded in order to fix #6622
This release contains bug fixes and new features.
Please read the release notes at
What's new?
Orchard 1.10 includes all the changes from version 1.9.3 ( and introduces the following changes and features:
- Default values for content fields
- Configurable locations for Modules and Themes (see:
- Parameterized snippets
- Orchard.Resources now contains common assets to be reused across core modules
- Layer rules have been moved to Orchard.Conditions for reusability
- Orchard.TaskLease has been deprecated in favor or distributed locks
- Orchard.jQuery has been deprecated in favor of Orchard.Resources
- Editor tabs support
- Use of Nuget packages instead of the /lib folder
- New extension methods for migrations
- Upgraded to .NET 4.5.2
- Recipes and Import/Export improvements
Bug fixes are listed in the 1.9.3 release notes.
The full list of fixed bugs for this release can be found here:
Orchard 1.9.3
This release contains bug fixes and improvements.
Please read the release notes at
What's new?
Orchard 1.9.3 fixes bugs and introduces the following changes and features:
- New Url Field dynamic form element
- Content property on a Content Item to return a dynamic object
- Default gallery feed points to the new Gallery
- Moved the select button up in the Media Picker dialog
- Added UserLogInFailedActivity
- Support of long running commands
- Removed size limit from cached items in Database Output Caching
- Ellipsize can split an HTML entity
- Widgets with dashes (-) can't have alternates
- NavigationQueryMenuItem and BlogArchives widgets can't be exported
The full list of fixed bugs for this release can be found here:
Orchard 1.9.2
This release contains bug fixes and improvements.
Please read the release notes at
Orchard 1.9.1
This release contains bug and security fixes.It is highly recommended to update to this version.
We are also releasing patches for versions of Orchard which contain the security vulnerability described at It contains patched file for the following Orchard versions:
Orchard 1.8.2
Please read our release notes for Orchard 1.8.2:
Patch 20150519
This release contains patches for versions of Orchard which contain the security vulnerability described at It contains patched file for the following Orchard versions:
- 1.0.20
- 1.1.30
- 1.2.41
- 1.3.10
- 1.4.2
- 1.5.1
- 1.6.1
- 1.7.3
The updated files are
Orchard 1.9
Please read our release notes for Orchard 1.9: