Releases: NorthStarUAS/ImageAnalysis
Releases · NorthStarUAS/ImageAnalysis
February 17, 2020
- 7a-explore renamed to explorer
- Outputs a kml file of markers (with polygon outline of region)
- annotations csv or kml can be imported into google maps and shared with others.
- Add a label prefix for annotations and auto assign an id number
- simple support for histogram balancing/averaging.
- a variety of small bug fixes and improvements
- append hostname to message log file
- final surface output is a collection of all groups, not just the current one being processed
- smarter about automatically picking distance range of images to compare against.
- better matching sort order to reduce cache misses.
- add a phantom 3 camera config
- for dji cameras, better use of image meta data to set initial camera poses
- Introduce a smart feature matching system the predicts where matches should occur based on direct camera pose and ground surface. This enables matching images pairs that many commercial software can't do leading to more complete results and fewer errors. (So if pix4d or drone deploy fail or blow up on an image set ... we might be able to get further and produce more complete results ....)
- added a flight report script that can log weather at the time of the flight, estimate flight time, etc.
- added a script to plot image locations and match connections (works while the matcher is running.)
- early estimate yaw error of onboard ekf and true surface elevation by triangulating feature pairs, this information can feed forward during the matching process to improve results.
- A VirtualBox distribution is now available. This includes all the processing software and dependencies installed and configured, ready to run. Link to the virtual box .ova file (import this file into virtual box) via my google drive:
7a-explore updates:
- Set the window title as the project name
- Create an actual "dummy.jpg" image in the model directory to eliminate a load warning on windows.
Processing updates:
- Add a command line option to optimize camera parameters as well as feature/camera locations.
- Add an option to estimate initial yaw heading of camera from ground track (for systems where no yaw info is available.)
- Camera autodetection improvements.
- Better progress/status updates in places.
- Various code/cruft cleanups.
- Punt on using pyexiv2 (which is the nicest library I've found, but almost impossible to get running on windows) and switch to piexif + libxmp-tool. These are a little more clunky, but still perfectly functional for the purpose, and they are well supported across platforms without crazy developer/compiler magic.
7a-explore updates:
- Load a vignette correction mask if it has been generated for the project.
- Split model and texture loading into separate steps so that vignette correction and adaptive equalization can be applied during the initial base texture load.
Processing updates:
- Sanity check image dimensions to make sure meta data is correct.
- Experiment with surface mesh fitting for generating better fitted 3d models.
- Discard fitted outlier extremes.
- Support grouping a set of flights into a single master project without needing to replicate images or large data files.
- Final .egg models are generated with a dummy texture so that the visualization script can load and apply preprocessing effects to the base textures.
- Read width x height from the camera config, not the image itself. This means we cannot mix images from different cameras into the same data set.
- Add a script that averages all the images from a data set and fits a vignette model to the actual data, finally generates a vignette correction mask.
- Better min_chain_len support (added to project config.)
- Various code cleanups and organization changes to clean out unused or undeveloped algorithms.
- By default avoid using single pair matches in processing image data sets ... optional support remains in code.
- Prioritize matches by longest chain length.
- Improved grouping scheme that optimizes feature selection.
7a-explore updates:
- add a 2nd 'm'ode that traverses the images in order. Use 'm' to toggle modes, '.' and ',' to go forward/back through the sequential list, and '0' - '9' to jump to 10% increments through the list.
- Add support for rendering visual indices (like psuedo-NDVI) using opengl shader language. With the infrastructure worked out, new indices can be quickly added.
- 'f' key toggles shader rendering on/off
- Add a sparse mesh structure so that 7a-explore can report the altitude of the center of focus.
Processing updates:
- updates to project structure: main project directory contains all the images, a ImageAnalysis directory is created inside the main picture directory to hold all the processing and output model files.
- improve detection of camera and poses.
- Feature matching: remove a feature orientation check that ended up being too aggressive and not needed.
- Improvements to autodetecting dji and sentera camera poses.
- deprecate area-xy support.
- compress *.feat and *.desc files automatically when saving them.
- Rework some of the grouping logic a bit. Enable pairwise matches if we want to use them (but generally they make optimization more difficult and increase the possibility of artifacts ... but this could enable a few additional images to be connected into the main group.)
Image Analylsis/Fitting updates since the last release:
- Test if video card handles non-power of 2 textures, and special case intel video on windows which lies about this (or the panda3d drivers lie at least.)
- Cleaner program exit.
- More sample data sets available for testing.
- Add a camera config for the Parrot Anafi
- New pop up windows shows lat, lon, alt of a new annotation with a entry field for a comment.
- Runtime show elevations (and lat, lon) of view center, dynamically updated as view moves.
Movie rendering updates since the last release:
- HUD rendering improvements (for the movie/hud section of this project)
- Don't draw negative airspeeds (min clamp at zero.)
- Parameterize scaling for the roll indicator, vbars, flight director
- Improve readability of airport and astro marker labels