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Revert "Fix depricated hysteris_sweep file (#110)"
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jdelpino authored Oct 19, 2023
1 parent b43fbfa commit f9d6892
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Showing 13 changed files with 136 additions and 179 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/HarmonicBalance.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module HarmonicBalance
export @variables
export d

import Base: ComplexF64, Float64; export ComplexF64, Float64
ComplexF64(x::Complex{Num}) = ComplexF64(Float64( + im*Float64(
Float64(x::Complex{Num}) = Float64(ComplexF64(x))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,18 +52,17 @@ module HarmonicBalance

using .HC_wrapper

using .LinearResponse
export plot_linear_response, plot_rotframe_jacobian_response

using .TimeEvolution
export ParameterSweep, ODEProblem, solve
export plot_1D_solutions_branch, follow_branch

using .LimitCycles
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12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/HarmonicEquation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -106,17 +106,13 @@ $(TYPEDSIGNATURES)
Check if `eom` is rearranged to the standard form, such that the derivatives of the variables are on one side.
function is_rearranged(eom::HarmonicEquation)
tvar = get_independent_variables(eom)[1]; dvar = d(get_variables(eom), tvar);
lhs = getfield.(eom.equations, :lhs); rhs = getfield.(eom.equations, :rhs);

HB_bool = isequal(rhs, dvar)
hopf_bool = in("Hopf", getfield.(eom.variables, :type))
MF_bool = !any([occursin(str1,str2) for str1 in string.(dvar) for str2 in string.(lhs)])
tvar = get_independent_variables(eom)[1]

# Hopf-containing equations or MF equation are arranged by construstion
HB_bool || hopf_bool || MF_bool
# Hopf-containing equations are arranged by construstion (impossible to check)
isequal(getfield.(eom.equations, :rhs), d(get_variables(eom), tvar)) || in("Hopf", getfield.(eom.variables, :type))

Rearrange `eom` to the standard form, such that the derivatives of the variables are on one side.
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101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions src/hysteresis_sweep.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
export plot_1D_solutions_branch

"""Calculate distance between a given state and a stable branch"""
function _closest_branch_index(res::Result,state::Vector{Float64},index::Int64)
#search only among stable solutions
physical = filter_solutions.(
filter_solutions.(, res.classes["physical"]),res.classes["stable"])

steadystates = reduce(hcat,physical[index]) #change structure for easier indexing
distances = vec(sum(abs2.(steadystates .- state),dims=1))
return argmin(replace!(distances, NaN=>Inf))

"""Return the indexes and values following stable branches along a 1D sweep.
When a no stable solutions are found (e.g. in a bifurcation), the next stable solution is calculated by time evolving the previous solution (quench).
Keyword arguments
- `y`: Dependent variable expression (parsed into Symbolics.jl) to evaluate the followed solution branches on .
- `sweep`: Direction for the sweeping of solutions. A `right` (`left`) sweep proceeds from the first (last) solution, ordered as the sweeping parameter.
- `tf`: time to reach steady
- `ϵ`: small random perturbation applied to quenched solution, in a bifurcation in order to favour convergence in cases where multiple solutions are identically accessible (e.g. symmetry breaking into two equal amplitude states)
function follow_branch(starting_branch::Int64,res::Result; y="sqrt(u1^2+v1^2)",sweep="right",tf=10000=1E-4)
sweep_directions = ["left", "right"]
sweep sweep_directions || error("Only the following (1D) sweeping directions are allowed: ", sweep_directions)

#filter stable solutions
Y = transform_solutions(res, y)
Ys = filter_solutions.(filter_solutions.(Y, res.classes["physical"]),res.classes["stable"]);
Ys = real.(reduce(hcat,Ys)) #facilitate indexing. Ys is an array (length(sweep))x(#solutions)

followed_branch = zeros(Int64,length(Y)) #followed branch indexes
followed_branch[1] = starting_branch

if sweep == "left"
Ys = reverse(Ys,dims=2)

p1 = collect(keys(res.swept_parameters))[1] #parameter values

for i in 2:size(Ys)[2]
s = Ys[followed_branch[i-1],i] #solution amplitude in the current branch and current parameter index
if !isnan(s) #the solution is not unstable or unphysical
followed_branch[i] = followed_branch[i-1]
else #bifurcation found
if sweep == "right"
next_index = i
elseif sweep == "left" #reverse order of iterators
next_index = length(Y)-i+1

# create a synthetic starting point out of an unphysical solution: quench and time evolve
#the actual solution is complex there, i.e. non physical. Take real part for the quench.
sol_dict = get_single_solution(res, branch=followed_branch[i-1], index= next_index)
print("bifurcation @ ", p1 ," = ", real(sol_dict[p1])," ")
sol_dict = Dict(zip(keys(sol_dict),real.(values(sol_dict)) .+ 0.0im .+ ϵ*rand(length(values(sol_dict)))))
problem_t = TimeEvolution.ODEProblem(res.problem.eom, steady_solution=sol_dict, timespan=(0,tf))
res_t = TimeEvolution.solve(problem_t,saveat=tf)

followed_branch[i] = _closest_branch_index(res,res_t.u[end],next_index) #closest branch to final state

print("switched branch ", followed_branch[i-1] ," -> ", followed_branch[i],"\n")

if sweep == "left"
Ys = reverse(Ys,dims=2)
followed_branch = reverse(followed_branch)

return followed_branch,Ys

"""1D plot with the followed branch highlighted"""
function plot_1D_solutions_branch(starting_branch::Int64,res::Result; x::String, y::String, sweep="right",tf=10000=1E-4, xscale="linear",yscale="linear",plot_only=["physical"],marker_classification="stable",filename=nothing,kwargs...)
plot_1D_solutions(res; x=x, y=y, xscale=xscale,yscale=yscale,

followed_branch,Ys = follow_branch(starting_branch,res,y=y,sweep=sweep,tf=tf,ϵ=ϵ)
if sweep == "left"
m = "<"
elseif sweep == "right"
m = ">"

Y_followed = [Ys[branch,param_idx] for (param_idx,branch) in enumerate(followed_branch)]

lines = plot(transform_solutions(res, x),Y_followed,c="k",marker=m; _set_Plots_default..., kwargs...)

#extract plotted data and return it
xdata,ydata = [line.get_xdata() for line in lines], [line.get_ydata() for line in lines]
markers = [line.get_marker() for line in lines]
save_dict= Dict(string(x) => xdata,string(y)=>ydata,"markers"=>markers)

!isnothing(filename) ?, save_dict) : nothing
return save_dict
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions src/modules/LinearResponse/Lorentzian_spectrum.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,23 +67,21 @@ _get_as(hvars::Vector{HarmonicVariable}) = findall(x -> isequal(x.type, "a"), hv

# Returns the spectra of all variables in `res` for `index` of `branch`.
function JacobianSpectrum(res::Result; index::Int, branch::Int, force=false)
hvars = res.problem.eom.variables # fetch the vector of HarmonicVariable
# blank JacobianSpectrum for each variable
all_spectra = Dict{Num, JacobianSpectrum}([[nvar, JacobianSpectrum([])] for nvar in getfield.(hvars, :natural_variable)])
function JacobianSpectrum(res::Result; index::Int, branch::Int)

if force
res.classes["stable"][index][branch] || return all_spectra # if the solution is unstable, return empty spectra
res.classes["stable"][index][branch] || error("\nThe solution is unstable - it has no JacobianSpectrum!\n")
res.classes["stable"][index][branch] || error("\nThe solution is unstable - it has no JacobianSpectrum!\n")

solution_dict = get_single_solution(res, branch=branch, index=index)

hvars = res.problem.eom.variables # fetch the vector of HarmonicVariable
λs, vs = eigen(res.jacobian(solution_dict))

# convert OrderedDict to Dict - see Symbolics issue #601
solution_dict = Dict(get_single_solution(res, index=index, branch=branch))

# blank JacobianSpectrum for each variable
all_spectra = Dict{Num, JacobianSpectrum}([[nvar, JacobianSpectrum([])] for nvar in getfield.(hvars, :natural_variable)])

for (j, λ) in enumerate(λs)
eigvec = vs[:, j] # the eigenvector

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,3 +130,4 @@ function _simplify_spectra!(spectra::Dict{Num, JacobianSpectrum})
spectra[var] = _simplify_spectrum(spectra[var])

43 changes: 8 additions & 35 deletions src/modules/LinearResponse/plotting.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
using Plots, Latexify, ProgressMeter
using HarmonicBalance: _set_Plots_default
export plot_linear_response, plot_rotframe_jacobian_response
using Latexify.LaTeXStrings
import ..HarmonicBalance: dim, _get_mask
using Plots.PlotUtils.ColorSchemes

export plot_linear_response

function get_jacobian_response(res::Result, nat_var::Num, Ω_range, branch::Int; show_progress=true)
Expand All @@ -20,21 +23,6 @@ function get_jacobian_response(res::Result, nat_var::Num, Ω_range, branch::Int;
function get_jacobian_response(res::Result, nat_var::Num, Ω_range, followed_branches::Vector{Int}; show_progress=true, force=false)

spectra = [JacobianSpectrum(res, branch=branch, index = i, force=force) for (i, branch) in pairs(followed_branches)]
C = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, length(Ω_range), length(spectra))

if show_progress
bar = Progress(length(CartesianIndices(C)), 1, "Diagonalizing the Jacobian for each solution ... ", 50)
# evaluate the Jacobians for the different values of noise frequency Ω
for ij in CartesianIndices(C)
C[ij] = abs(evaluate(spectra[ij[2]][nat_var], Ω_range[ij[1]]))
show_progress ? next!(bar) : nothing

function get_linear_response(res::Result, nat_var::Num, Ω_range, branch::Int; order, show_progress=true)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,23 +95,8 @@ X = Vector{Float64}(collect(values(res.swept_parameters))[1][stable])
C = order == 1 ? get_jacobian_response(res, nat_var, Ω_range, branch, show_progress=show_progress) : get_linear_response(res, nat_var, Ω_range, branch; order=order, show_progress=show_progress)
C = logscale ? log.(C) : C

xlabel = latexify(string(first(keys(res.swept_parameters)))); ylabel = latexify("Ω");
heatmap(X, Ω_range, C; color=:viridis, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, _set_Plots_default..., kwargs...)
function plot_linear_response(res::Result, nat_var::Num, followed_branches::Vector{Int}; Ω_range, logscale=false, show_progress=true, switch_axis = false, force=true, kwargs...)
length(size( != 1 && error("1D plots of not-1D datasets are usually a bad idea.")

X = Vector{Float64}(collect(first(values(res.swept_parameters))))

C = get_jacobian_response(res, nat_var, Ω_range, followed_branches; force=force)
C = logscale ? log.(C) : C

xlabel = latexify(string(first(keys(res.swept_parameters)))); ylabel = latexify("Ω");
if switch_axis
heatmap(Ω_range, X, C'; color=:viridis, xlabel=ylabel, ylabel=xlabel, _set_Plots_default..., kwargs...)
heatmap(X, Ω_range, C; color=:viridis, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, _set_Plots_default..., kwargs...)
heatmap(X, Ω_range, C; color=:viridis,
xlabel=latexify(string(first(keys(res.swept_parameters)))), ylabel=latexify("Ω"), HarmonicBalance._set_Plots_default..., kwargs...)

Expand All @@ -150,7 +123,7 @@ function plot_rotframe_jacobian_response(res::Result; Ω_range, branch::Int, log
C = logscale ? log.(C) : C

heatmap(X, Ω_range, C; color=:viridis,
xlabel=latexify(string(first(keys(res.swept_parameters)))), ylabel=latexify("Ω"), _set_Plots_default..., kwargs...)
xlabel=latexify(string(first(keys(res.swept_parameters)))), ylabel=latexify("Ω"), HarmonicBalance._set_Plots_default..., kwargs...)

function plot_eigenvalues(res; branch, type=:imag, projection= v -> 1, cscheme = :default, kwargs...)
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/modules/LinearResponse/response.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
export get_response
export plot_response

get_response_matrix(diff_eq::DifferentialEquation, freq::Num; order=2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,3 +95,8 @@ end
# rotating frame into the lab frame
_plusamp(uv) = norm(uv)^2 - 2*(imag(uv[1])*real(uv[2]) - real(uv[1])*imag(uv[2]))
_minusamp(uv) = norm(uv)^2 + 2*(imag(uv[1])*real(uv[2]) - real(uv[1])*imag(uv[2]))

3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/modules/TimeEvolution.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ module TimeEvolution

using ..HarmonicBalance
using Symbolics
using Plots
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using OrderedCollections
using DSP
using FFTW
using Peaks
Expand All @@ -14,6 +12,5 @@ module TimeEvolution

80 changes: 0 additions & 80 deletions src/modules/TimeEvolution/hysteresis_sweep.jl

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/plotting_Plots.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,14 +94,6 @@ function _apply_mask(solns::Array{Vector{ComplexF64}}, booleans)
factors = replace.(booleans, 0 => NaN)
map(.*, solns, factors)
function _apply_mask(solns::Vector{Vector{Vector{ComplexF64}}}, booleans)
Nan_vector = NaN.*similar(solns[1][1])
new_solns = [
[booleans[i][j] ? solns[i][j] : Nan_vector for j in eachindex(solns[i])]
for i in eachindex(solns)
return new_solns

""" Project the array `a` into the real axis, warning if its contents are complex. """
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/types.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ mutable struct HarmonicEquation

# use a self-referential constructor with _parameters
HarmonicEquation(equations, variables, nat_eq) = (x = new(equations, variables, Vector{Num}([]), nat_eq); x.parameters=_parameters(x); x)
HarmonicEquation(equations, variables, parameters, natural_equation) = new(equations, variables, parameters, natural_equation)

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