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Mini python Scripts

In this repository I'll stack tiny scripts, command lines automation, small programs, practices, and exercices that are not part of a bigger projects, or not big enough to have it's own project repository.



    create a fonction to verify if input number is integer and within range.

    status: Finished


    This tool will automatically check your python's pip list in your system, and update all packages to their newest versions. Then it will display a summary, with double checking points (number of packages before update compared to after update; and the number of packages that have been updated). Then it will display the list of updated packages: New Versions vs. Old versions.

    status: Finished



    This tiny project aim to automatically run bash scripts, from a python program, to commit in git every 20 min (1200sec), and after a loop of 4 cycles, push to remote GitHub repository.

    status: Finished


    Small exercice/game, create a small guessing game: guess the randomly generated number within range [1;100], within 7 or 8 guess.

    status: Finished


    Create a Christmas count down, in Python.

    status: Finished

  • drink_dispenser [Folder]:

    Creating the script for a dispenser machine, asking for money according to price, and giving back change, taking into account a few perks.

    status: v2.0


    Generator and intention/comprehension list to create a fibonacci sequence, for n iterations.

    status: Finished


    Generator and intention/comprehension list to create a tribonacci sequence, for n iterations.

    status: Finished

  • Deck of cards ('class'/OOP exercice):

    Generate a deck of cards, and deal hands to players. Using Object Oriented Programming, with python Classes system

    status: Finished

  • Passphrase generator []:

    From a given text (or collection of books and dictionnaries, the more the merryer), the script will create a list of words choosen entirely randomly.

    status: [Work in progress]

  • Pychain (simple blockchain in python):

    Create in python a simple blockchain (as an exercise). -details and what will it be used for, to be determined-

    status: [Ice box - Waiting to work on it]


    Create in python an automating renaming multiple files script in a given directory.

    Evolutions for v2.0: I'd like to factorize this function, as a Class, OOP, or a simple function, so I can call this function in any project, and simplify the use, just by passing arguments.

    Arguments should be:

    • The Path in: os.chdir('/home/User/Pictures')

    • The New Name, in: new_name, or define f_title as the original if no specific arguments, otherwise if enter a string as an argument, this string becomes the title.

    status: v1.0 Finished

  • Random Walk:

    Monte Carlo simulation practice, applied to a random walk. cf description in the file.

    status: Finished

  • GIF Converter:

    This script ( is a simple video converter, initially intended to convert videos into GIF files.

    status: Finished


    Practice exercise using Iterators, Class and Generators. This script will simulate (recreate) Python's range method.

    status: Finished


    Practice exercise using Itertools, Sorted, f-strings.

    status: Finished


    Practice exercise to sort & iterate non ewploitable raw data, using: Itertools, collections, and/or sorted.

    status: Finished


    This short script (French user) tend to compute a person's "IMC" (Indice de Masse Corporel), the health weight/heigh² ratio.

    to Do in v2:

    • Incorporate the New IMC compute formula (Formule d’IMC classique : poids / taille^2 Nouvelle formule d’IMC :1,3 x poids / taille^2,5)

    • Script Optimisation

    • Factoring

    • Create a menu (And/Or a GUI)

    status: v1.0 Finished


    Give it a Birth Date, it'll compute your exact age at the time of computing.

    status: Finished


    Short exercices, build a neural network of 1 neurone, to predict Pi.

    status: v1 Finished


    Short progressbar practice. processing a short time of Progressbar simulation, then Displays the Year Progressbar. If year is Leap Year, takes 366 days, if Year is Normal Year, taking 365 days. Ratio Year Day Number / Total Days in the year. Shows Today's Year progression in a While loop, and goes indefinitely.

    status: Practice... Ongoing...


    This short exercice tend to: given a string, validate if is IPv4 IP address format. 2 Versions, 1 with Regex, 1 without.

    status: Finished, But can be optimised

  • Flask_ToDo:

    This practice/proof of concept, set a simple todo list on web interface. No UI, in 1st version. Work on client-server communication. Intro to SQLAlchemy with flask.

    status: Finished, But can be optimised


    Recursion practice exercise in Python, using Tower of Hanoï mathematical game.

    status: Finished


    Short script, for practice and fun. Will be displayed in a while loop a 'Hello World' count every half seconds. The counting display however will be randomly between different digit bases (Binary, base-3, Decimal, Hexadecimal, base-64, base-32, base-36). This is more a practice in numbers base-n conversion, using different tools.

    status: Finished


    Function converting any decimal number into any N-base numerals (max base-36).

    status: Finished


    Create a sudoku solver in python, using recursion.

    status: Finished


    EXERCICE: Your robot 'Nono' needs to go straigth in line, but needs to clear its path on the way. Its path is N pads (squares), on each pads sits an obstacle. Nono need to take the obstacle in from of him/it, and dispose of it, back to its storage unit (all the way back where it started)... and do so for each and every obstacles on its path. GOAL: Print out what its path (back and forth) looks like.

    status: Finished


    2D tree vsisual of math/algebra expression, using classes & recursions.

    status: In Process


    EXERCICE: Display a solid blue circle in the center of a window. Reminder of different basic functionalities in Pygame.

    status: Finished


    Twitter bot, simple, using API & Tweepy package, within a while loop. Exploration and training on Twitter API.

    status: Finished


    Email sender bot, in Python.

    status: In Process To do: Figure out the attach file > Auto detect file type and use appropriate protocol (pdf, images, doc/xlxs, etc)

  • Twitterbot_Like:

    Bot using twitter API, given a list of "Friends' id" on Twitter, it will automatically 'like' their 20 latest tweets, and send an email to tell the user it's done a good job. This version is ready to be used in a CRONTAB schedule.

    status: Finished


    Bot using Twitter API, this short script will output text files, listing who is following whom.

    status: Finished


    Short project to determine the moon phase from a date. Using Astral libraby, which returns a float, comparing the float range to moon phases, and then identifying the corresponding name, in a choosen language.

    status: Finished

  • Mathemagic_Denmark-Elephant.jpnb:

    Jupyter Notebook short exercice to create a script from a well known Mathemagic Denmark-Elephant.

    status: Finished

  • Impossible Chessboard Puzzle:

    Math Puzzle, using binary correction algorythm.

    status: Finished


    How to convert an integer into a Roman Numeral String, and translate it back in int?

    status: Finished


    Exploring data & stats from a covid 19 API.

    status: exploring | finished

  • Python & Steganography.ipynb:

    Exploring different methods and packages' libraries to steganography w/ Python.

    status: exploring

  • Rock - Paper - Scissors :

    Simple game logic handling "Rock Paper Scissors", in CLI. Handling a Human player vs a Computer (random choice). Best out of 3 plays, wins the round. Each round keeps a score. Simple logic practice given to my students, as an exercice.

    status: finished

  • chmod converter :

    Simple script translating/converting chmod permissions into numerical CLI command.

    status: finished

  • CPU Temp Datalog.ipynb:

    Exploring psutil packages' libraries to capture computer CPU temperature w/ Python, and potentially create a little dataloger.

    status: exploring

  • LetterFrequencyFromTxtToBarChart.ipynb:

    Challenge what are the different ways to get the letter frequency out of a text? (Jupyter Notebook format)

    status: finished

  • PrintTo100WithoutLoops.ipynb:

    Challenge : How would you print the numbers from 1 to a 100 (or more) without using any loops in your code? (Jupyter Notebook format)

    status: finished

  • PrintTo100WithoutNumbers.ipynb:

    Challenge : How would you print the numbers from 1 to a 100 (or more) without using any digits/numbers in your code? (Jupyter Notebook format)

    status: finished


    Description : Introduction and discovery of Kivy framework. Simple "Hello Wolrd!" interface.

    status: finished


    Description : How to boost computation with Numba? Here filtering if a number is a Prime Number.

    status: finished (exploring)


  • SAN ANTONIO (Open Classroom exercise):

    Suivi d'exercices de cours Démarrez votre projet en Python. Mini programme donnant des citations de San Antonio

    status: Finished

  • Matplotlib practice:

    Follows Youtube tutorial from Corey Schafer on Matplotlib

    status: Finished

  • Semaphore: Static Method, intro from Mentor.

  • Singleton: Static Method, intro from Mentor.

  • Factory Method: Intro to Factory design pattern, from Mentor..

  • Bootstrap Practice: [Self-explanatory name]

Mini projects that moved to become a project of its own.

Those projects moved to their own repositories:

  • Stardate Project:

    • Generate (star trek) Stardate according to current time. Changing reference date.
    • Convert a date for input gregorian date (ISO-8601), to a stardate.
    • Translate a stardate input to a Gregorian date (ISO-8601).
    • This project has now an independant GitHub Repository, and is no longer followed in this My-Mini-Python-Script Repo.

    status: Finished - v2

  • Mayan Calendar Project :

    • Generate of Mayan Long Count Calendar according to current time. Changing reference date.
    • Convert an input date (from gregorian ISO-8601 calendar) to Long Count.
    • Translate a Long Count Input, into a Gregorian date (ISO-8601 calendar).
    • Same 2 generator, convertor, translator, for Tzolkin and Ha'ab Mayan Calendar. Which is more difficult, as they are cycles, and don't refer to a year.
    • This project has now an independant GitHub Repository, and is no longer followed in this My-Mini-Python-Script Repo.

    status: Finished - v1

  • Name Data Base Generator (python + SQL):

    • The python generator will create random name association from lists of male names, female names and Family names, to generate a sql data base. Further more this kind of data base generator, can generate massive amount of data (names pairs). Such data base can be use to test software and scripts needing data. Such generator can be used for other objects than names.

    • Each entry containing:

      • ID SQL Key (autogenerated by SQL)
      • Family name (randomly paired with first name)
      • First name (randomly paired with family name)
      • Gender (M/F depending on first name randomly assigned)
      • Birth date (Random)
      • Socialsecurity number (According to gender + Year of birth + Month of birth + Randomly assigned department number in range or within a list + 8 random numbers) cf: wiki page
    • This project has now an independant GitHub Repository, and is no longer followed in this My-Mini-Python-Script Repo.

    status: [Ice box - Waiting to work on it]

  • Secret Santa - MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Nicolas Flandrois

    This project has now an independant GitHub Repository, and is no longer followed in this My-Mini-Python-Script Repo.

    Regrouping the following scripts:


      A mathematically proven way to randomly assign Secret Santa's to participants. Based on the Book of Dr Hannah Fry 'The indisputable existence of Santa Claus'. Give it the number of participants, it will give you a ready to print and cut document for Picking a pairing ticket (1 secret Santa & 1 gift receiving participant... Randomly assigned), in a [Santa's] Hat. Cut the Pairing Tickets, place them in a Hat. Each participants pick a ticket, with a Secret Santa ID number which they are, and to whom the'll secret santa gift offering this year. Display the Empty List. Each participant place their name in from of his Secret Santa ID. Leave the list to display, so participants can know to whom they will offer a secret santa gift this year. Random, Fair, Efficient!

      Possible Evolution:

      - Automate and randomize even further, by giving it a list of name. Reuse the random pairing algorythm. Send an email/sms to each secret santa, directly the name to whom they'll offer a secret santa gift. (Leaving No ways to reprint of reverse engineer it.) [cf. script file]

      version: v1

      License: MIT License - Copyright (c) 2019 Nicolas Flandrois

      status: Finished


      Based on previous mini-project. Random automation Secret Santas assignements, and sending results individually by emails.

      To Do (for next versions):

      • Create his own project REPO
      • Automate to Non Gmail Users
      • HTML Secret Santa text/body, to work on... add a Xmas-ish feel to it.
      • Import names/emails of Participating Santas from external file source (Data Base, or data file e.g. csv, txt, json).
      • Create a GUI, & combining both secret santa projects. Get a menu, either paper+hat (Suitable for office co-working annimation) or via email (totally automated).

      version: v2

      License: MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Nicolas Flandrois

      status: finished


Mini python Scripts - Lab Practice& Training






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