Through a python script, a database will be created and uploaded with random fake identifications, generated automatically
Auto-generate a (FAKE POPULATION) DB of :
- names (Family & First)
- Social Security Number (French) > Unique
- Female/Male
- Date of Birth (Full dd/mm/yyyy)
- Area/City of Birth (minima in France, and/or if possible whole world)
- Postal Address in France (Random) - If possible to generate
- Phone Number (Cellphone/Landline)
- Car Registration Number (French)
- Car description
- Password Management with Hash
Tools :
- Python 3.7 (Or Upper) - MVC Structure approach
- SQLAlchemy
- Pandas
- Flask ? - For Reading and interface with the database after creating it.
- Django ? - For Reading and interface with the database after creating it.
- Hash python module ? bcrypt? SHA256? | Using a Salt and pepper to the Hash? >> pip install bcrypt | bcrypt 3.1.7
- Crypto python module for cryptographic related random generation ?
Constructions Steps:
- Ask input at beginning, How many people shall we generate, to populate our FICTIONAL database.
- Generate a RANDOMISED French Social Security Number.
- From Social Security Number, determine if Male/Female.
- From M/F SecSoc > Pick Random First Name (Corresponding M/F).
- From SecSoc, Extract Birth Date : Year & Month ; Randomly pick a Day in the month >> Store it as Object.
- From Sec Soc, Extract Region of Birth (Department number).
- From Soc Sec, Extract and compare: City of birth registration etc (up to remainder of last 3 totally random numbers.
- From SocSec, compute the security/validation Key > Extra 2 digits.
- With a REGEX, generate a random-ish email: FirstName[.-_""+]FamNamae@[gmail, yahoo, bogus].[com, org, fr,, de, net, tv, etc].
- With few rules (a regex?) generate a random-ish Phone number (Cellphone Only? Or Fixe and/or cellphone? If Fixe Landline, what about Area code?).
- Export all data into a MySQL DB (Multiple crossreferenced tables possible).
- Small interface, to read and parse data from MySQL database. Read and Update data.
- ATTENTION: For Social Sec Number, Telephone, & Car Reg Num >>> If already exist = No Repeating data == Need to be Unique.
- Can we generate a random-ish postal address (dependent from fix phone number area code) ? how to make it Work? Open source map? GPS coordinates?
- Does this script generate France metropolitan Social Security Numbers ONLY? What About Corsica 2A & 2B? What About Overseas Departments (97 and 98)? What About Foreigners (99, and their corresponding country of birth, in next digits)?
- What Display for Reading data? > HTML, CSS, JS ??? W/ Django OR Flask?
- Through a Login for this interface (Username & Password management) administrating different user rights management: Data Admin = Read & Update & Create New, Simple User = Read Only.
- Can I create a random Car registration number and car database? > Randomly create a Car Registration Number, Randomly assign it to a Car type, and then Randomly assign it to a Fact-person in Database. (Multiple cross ref data tables).
- Can we create a Random Password Generator > to store as SHA/HASH in a DB Table for each populated DB fake-person ?
- All extra small script, HOW? WHEN? Do they update the database? ALL in 1? Or 1 after the Other, Parsing the DB and updating afterward?
- For Testing purposed, Export a csv file with a Unique Identifier (e.g. SocSecNum), the Plain Text Password, and The Hash fingerprint. Obviously in a real-world dev/production such export wouldn't exist.
- How to Store the Hash & Salt in the MySQL Database? Should they be Join into a single String, OR stored separately in 2 different Tables?