This package was forked into jest-environment-jsdom-11.0.0 in order to support [email protected]. We need jsdom@11 because of tmpvar/jsdom#1560, which was partially fixed in version 11. Without this version, the graph tests will take a long time (I never bothered to test the exact value of that).
The creation of this package was prompted by facebook/jest#3655.
Once Node v4 EOL arrives, jest will likely be updated to use jsdom@11+ by default, at which time this package is no longer needed.
No maintenance should be needed beyond maybe bumping up version numbers.
None, and no new added functionality is expected.
There is no reason to make the fork private, so it will be hosted publicly on github (at micromeritics/jest-environment-jsdom-11.0.0) and npm (as jest-environment-jsdom-11.0.0).