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2.0 Setup SD Card Reader

Manuel edited this page Nov 8, 2020 · 16 revisions

The SD-Card reader is not supported in macos. However with a bit of trickery we can make it work

It takes under 10 Seconds to mount your SD Card.

Status: Works is not polished. See Improvement/todo Section

Requirements on the mac

VMware Fusion Player or Pro Version.

The Player is free.

Change the ssdt from the default one to this one in the right folder on the EFI Partition. It allows for powering on the SD-Card-Reader:

you don't need to reboot yet. You need to do this after fuse install.

Install Homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install sshfs,netcat and Fuse:

brew cask install osxfuse

brew install sshfs

brew install netcat

Make an mount dir.

sudo mkdir /Volumes/SD-CardReader

Change permission for sudo so you can execute stuff without password see here:


Download my stuff:

unzip it:

unzip Downloads/

Copy the VM:

cp -r SD-Card-Reader-Deployment_v02/VM/Tiny.vmwarevm Virtual\ Machines.localized/

Download BitBar:

Install it in Applications

As a Plugin Folder choose the BitBar Folder in the Download directory eg: SD-Card-Reader-Deployment_v04/Bitbar/

How to use it

Place SD Card into the SD Card Slot.

Click in the Menubar on the grey SD-Card icon and mount the SD.

Wait for like 10 Seconds till finder opens.

To unmount:

Just unmount in Finder.


Please contribute here:

  • Testing

-- This needs extensive testing on other systems. Please help!

  • Faster startup

-- Vmware UEFI takes 2 Seconds (How can we make that faster?)

-- Booting Tiny Linux Takes 3 Seconds (This could be reduced with remastering the kernel)


-- Ping is somehow not reliable and in rare occasion reports host down when the vm is actally up


The VM has the IP: if you run other VMs this could change or 131 could be taken.

The User is: tc Password is: Sd2020CARD

The ssh-key must be installed in .ssh

The root known_host file must be clean when updating from a earlier version.