Machine-readable datafeeds for economic data are growing (FRED, quandl, OECD, World Bank, EIA). Please take a minute to fill our poll about economics datasources and see the results.
However, some data is still left in the dark. Russian macroeconomic statistics seems very fragmented (HTML, Word, Excel are common dessimination formats). This is a roadblock to reproducible analysis as dirty data escalates costs of model maintenance.
aims to remove this roadblock by providing public API for Russian macroeconomic data and examples of economic research/business planning/marketing problems solved in python pandas or R.
We assume an end user has some experience with data from FRED or quandl.
The user wants:
- a clean dataset with latest data from different sources
- browse what data is available
- read this data on a local machine:
- as pd.DataFrame
- as R dataframe
- quickly draw some charts like one below:
More on user case here.