We assume an end user has some experience with data from FRED or quandl and for his work he wants:
- a clean dataset with latest data from different sources
- browse what data is available
- read this data on a local machine:
- as pd.DataFrame
- as R dataframe
- quickly draw some charts like one below:
End-user API calls should be like:
# monthly average Brent oil prices starting 2000 to present
brent = pd.read_json('http://minikep.cc/oil/series/BRENT/m/avg/2000')
# monthly average Russian rouble exchange rate, same period
er = pd.read_json('http://minikep.cc/ru/series/USDRUR/m/avg/2000')
# monthly consumer inflation in different countries in 2017
# rog = rate of growth
cpi_ru = pd.read_json('http://minikep.cc/ru/series/CPI/m/rog/2017')
cpi_us = pd.read_json('http://minikep.cc/us/series/CPI/m/rog/2017')
Services based on mini-kep API:
- PDF handout charts
- datasets/presets
- forcasts as a service (via API)
- FB posts with data
We need to demonstarte usage of data from custom or standard API for visualisations and modelling.
There is a repo for use cases, but it is practically empty yet.
The use cases may resemble datachart.cc
or datalab
or viz-demo or some other repos (eg cmf-comovements).