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Gavin Morris edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 11 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Daniel Lamb
  • Melissa Anez
  • Don Richards
  • Chris Kellen
  • Tammy Wolf
  • Seth Shaw
  • Eli Zoller
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Alan Stanley
  • Debbie Flitner
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Cary Gordon
  • Bethany Seeger
  • Gavin Morris 🌠
  • Mark Jordan
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Jonathan Green
  • Natkeeran Kanthan


  1. New Committer: Eli Zoller!
  2. Testing Sprint Update
  3. Webinar on Paged Content now available
    1. Video
    2. Slides
  4. Content Type Clone replicates user friendly 7.x behavior: cloning an existing content type to make your own version
  5. Post 1.1.0 Next Steps survey: What to ask?
  6. Testing milestone issues with recent activity
  9. Feel free to add agenda items...

Notes from meeting

  • Danny updating attendees
  • Gavin to take notes
  1. New Committer: Eli Zoller! nominated and voted in by peers. Congratulations Eli & Thank you!

  1. Testing Sprint Update

DL -44 of the test cases completed. 1 failure oah-pmi. 3 -4 partial completions. Good progress despite previous challenges and some new issues found; still on track. Thanks everyone for hard work.

Q: Timetable for slicing release?

DL - TBD but more progress needs to be made on bugs / milestones. Only blocker is special characters and filenames issue that should be handled prior to release. Results column H was shrunken. Fixed now.

  1. Webinar on Paged content

DL- now available on Youtube as of February 4th. Good session and Q&A. Found a nice website with themes for Excel and Google Slides.

MA - Next webinar: A tour of Islandora 8.1 on March 24th

  1. Content type clone

MA - Playing around with things for testing and found this module that allows you to clone an existing content type. Has similar methods to cloning forms but has challenges. Needs some work to get proper display. Seems fixable and handy without hacking up default form. Added to Cookbook for now in Documentation. Will need extra documentation for how to use etc.

  1. Post 1.1.0 Next Steps survey What to ask?

MA - Prior to the next release, it has been a year since the last survey of what should be priorities and new features asked of the Islandora Community?

Recommend that this group writeup survey in a more thoughtful way that might get better results.

Bringing it to this group re ideas about potential development priorities in the next year and where to put emphasis or focus

Once written up then will be handed off to TAG group for final list with the community to review and then vote on said priorities

SS - Give Islandora Community time to use 8.1 and then respond?

Group thoughts on potential improvements from chat:

  • Some UX refinin' might be worth focusing on
  • batch ingest process
  • migation process is it bulletproof?
  • a non-destructive Ansible deploy script
  • stability improvement to the playbook
  • create user stories for better feedback on different areas to improvement
  • Can haz easier numbering scheme?
  • Should the goal be an idempotent sensible playbook?
  • Yep. We should be able to reprovision anytime
  • composer.json lock method along with avoiding role drift in the Ansible playbook
  • Accessibility / Look & Feel

  1. Testing milestone issues with recent activity (updated most recently or seemingly related to the milestone)

Debbie was working on this but has had some challenges with larger images. Openseadragon auto sizing to 100% despite changes to container. Can't relate size of viewer to size of what we are viewing? Is this a setting? Not sure how to fix. Happening for every test image.

Not everyone was seeing it initially it despite using Chrome & Firefox on Mac or Linux.

DL - Went from fixed width to no width in CSS.

MA - this may be theme dependant e.g. carapace, bartik and seven.

Debbie - to test on latest build with Browser Stack for more extensive testing along with PDFs etc.

Don - able to reproduce issue with Basic Image (JPG) but not Large image and shared in Slack. We have large images here if you’d like to test with TIFFs/JP2s

Others can also reproduce using a JPG.

Some use Seth’s images from his claw migration demo

Openseadragon viewer may be missing settings that could help here.

Jared - Canvas for Openseadragon has a width and height set out of the CSS. Perhaps try not having it printed out? Perhaps this scaling is used in too many places? Jared to review code and see what can be resolved.

Danny - This shouldn't be shipped in the release. Blocker for release.

  1. continued -

Can't make JP2s in Ubuntu. Dropped support for JP2s in Imagemagick

John Green compiling other version with OpenJPG library to get it working. Now not working has issues.

18.04 LTS doesn't seem to work at all and seg faults when making JP2s.

Imagemagick - CENT/ RHEL versions have library by default so no issue.

Ubuntu has to compile in library so the delegate can work. Rough process.

JG - If rebuilt library, segfaulting due to dependency failing, perhaps build a package to fix it? He added comment to ticket, "graphicsmagik uses Jasper and was pulled from Imagemagick. Also doesn't work well. Perhaps ship with default with graphicsmagick?"

DL - Should bring up to uniform standard.

JG - to build a new package to push to the ppa for fix. Can hand to Danny if he runs out of time.

  1. continued -

First fail of testing!

Drupal followed recommendations of Dublin Core. Only use DC terms. Used DC prefix for DC terms.

Ignores elements and is hard coded in a hook.

The solution messed up OAI-PMH and how it pulls out metadata.

Currently in holding pattern.

Seth - A fix is in place just need to push out alpha version and wait for it to land by March. Speaking for developer Joe.

Bethany - Awkward what Drupal has done with DC ontologies from a library standpoint. Do most librarians want to use DC terms?

Seth - We should be resolving namespaces but are beholden to how the RDF module works despite it being core to what Islandora does.

Issues not gotten to:

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