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HeeminYT edited this page Dec 24, 2024 · 13 revisions

The main screen of NSOVVG has several options that respond immediately to keyboard input thanks to the CHOISE command.


"Current Settings" displays the global settings currently set for this project.

[O] - Open config file

You can load NSOVVG project files written as *.ini, which contains the settings the user has set and the channels.

The file format is as follows: (File paths are not enclosed in quotes.)

xres=        - X resouliton of the video
yres=        - Y resoultion of the video
fps=         - FPS of the video
masteraudio= - Path of the master audio
linemode=    - 'mode' value of FFmpeg 'showwaves' filter
dffont=      - Fonts for channel labels, the font name that is retrieved from the system, not the exact path to the font.
sizefont=    - Size of fonts for channel labels
colorfont=   - Color of fonts for channel labels
bgimage=     - If there is no color (black), 'None', if there is a color, HEX color tabke starting with #, if it is an image or video, the exact path.
darkerbg=    - When importing background media, determine whether to darken it for waveform readability. If so, 'on', otherwise 'off'.
channel1=    - The exact path of waveform 1
label1=      - Label text for waveform 1
amp1=        - Amplification for waveform 1
color1=      - HEX color table for label text of waveform 1
channel2=    - The exact path of waveform 2
label2=      - Label text for waveform 2
amp2=        - Amplification for waveform 2
color2=      - HEX color table for label text of waveform 2
channel3=    - The exact path of waveform 3
...The same configuration is repeated for more channels...

[S] - Save config file

Saves the current NSOVVG project as *.ini, which contains the settings the user has set and the channels.

For file format, see [O] - Open config file above.

[M] - Choose master audio

Loads the master audio to be used in the video.

*.wav;*.mp3 files are supported.

[C] - Choose the audio channels

Loads audio files for the waveform to appear in the video. Multiple selection is possible and *.wav;*.mp3 files are supported.

[D] - Change display mode

Defines the mode of FFmpeg's showwaves filter directly.

Each press toggles between p2p, line, cline, and point.

[F] - Configure the audio channels

This allows you to select one of the imported channels and change the Label Text, Aplification, and Wave Color settings.


[L] - Label text

This will pop up a small text box that allows you to directly set the text of the label for the selected channel.


[A] - Amplification

This will pop up a small number box that allows you to directly set the amplfication (gain) for the selected channel.


[W] - Wave color

This will pop up a color picker that allows you to directly set the color of the waveform for the selected channel.


[G] - Global configuration

This configures settings for bulk channels.


[L] - Label text

For variety, two basic presets and other options are provided, where $ stands for the channel number.


[1] - "Channel No. $"


[2] - "Channel #$"


[3] - Use the name of the file

The label texts are set to the same as the file name.


[4] - Custom

It works exactly the same as individual changes, with one small text box, but $ is replaced with the channel number.



[5] - Clear

Removes label text from all channels.


[A] - Amplification

Same as above.

[W] - Wave color

Same as above.

[R] - Reorder the channels

This option simply allows you to reorder the loaded channels.


[N] - Remove the last channel

Removes the last loaded channel.

[N] - New project

Clears all currently loaded channels and settings.

[I] - Import VGM file

This imports files like .nsf, .vgm, .sap and automatically separates the channels into wav files.

When you first use this option, NSOVVG will ask you if you want to install some external software. If you choose No, it will not proceed any further, as this software will take care of all the processes.


If you choose Yes, NSOVVG will automatically install multidumper into its your working directory and proceed with the original steps.

Supported file formats

(Format informations are brought from vgmpf.)

  • .ay - is the format used to house the ripped audio code for the AY-3-8910 series of audio chips. These 3-voice programmable sound generators were developed by General Instrument.

  • .gbs - is a compact sound module file for ripped Game Boy sound.

  • .gym - is a sound format (similar to NSF) for the Sega Genesis.

  • .hes - is a sound format (similar to NSF) for the Sega Genesis.

  • .kss - was originally designed to house ripped audio code from the various MSX computer systems, but can also house Sega Master System and Game Gear audio.

  • .nsf - is a container format, designed by Kevin Horton, that holds audio code ripped from the ROMs of games for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

  • .nsfe - is just a regular NSF file with a special wrapper. The wrapper allows for additional meta data for each song including titles, artists, and timing, as well as volume manipulation, a custom play list, exclusion of undesirable tracks, and a few other additions.

  • .sap - contains the machine code instructions for creating the sound effects and music for an 8-bit Atari program.

  • .sfm

  • .sgc - is an audio format that stores sections of audio software. It was originally designed to accommodate the Master System, Game Gear, and ColecoVision, but technically allows for any platform that utilizes a Z80 processor and an SN76489 audio chip.

  • .spc - holds SNES game music.

  • .vgm - logs the audio instructions sent to a wide variety of audio chips used in 8 and 16-bit video game consoles, arcade consoles, home computers, and even pinball machines.

  • .vgz - is basically the same thing as .vgm.

  • .spu

Configure VGM rendering settings

If you choose one of the files in the above file format, NSOVVG will pop one of the following two windows, depending on the situation.

If there's only one subsong in the file: image

If there are more than two subsongs in the file: image

Basically, setting the desired values ​​for Subsong No. and Length (in seconds) are both the same.

However, if there are more than two subsongs in the file, you will get a button Make Full Soundtrack Video.

Normal rendering


When you press the Confirm button, rendering will start immediately with the settings you have set.

After that, the channels will be loaded and ready to render!

Full soundtrack rendering


This feature allows you to easily create a Full Soundtrack Oscilloscope View without any additional work.

You can uncheck some of the checkboxes to exclude sound effects.

You can also set the length of each track by double clicking on the Length entry for that track.


When you press Confirm, it will show you the required disk space and the rendering will start!

After that, it will automatically load the channels and be ready to render them to video.

[V] - Video settings

Shows settings for the entire video and let you configure 'em.

[I] - Background image / video

Loads media to use as background. *.png;*.jpg;*.mp4;*.jpeg;*.avi files are supported.

[C] - Background color

This will pop up a color picker that allows you to directly set the color of background.


[S] - Use software / hardware rendering for this time

Chooses between hardware rendering (GPU) and software rendering (CPU).

[W] - Configure channel array

Configures the number of channels to be included in the left or right column.



The Vertical button stacks all channels vertically.


[T] - Font configuration

Sets the font to use for channel labels.


[R] - Change video resolution, FPS

Literally configures basic video settings.


[H] - Help

Shows this help page.


[R] - Render!

Asks whether to render or preview the current project as a video.


[R] - Render!

Renders your project to an actual video.


[P] - Preview

Displays preview video of current project using FFplay.
