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ㅐBefore usingㅐ

HeeminYT edited this page Dec 21, 2024 · 2 revisions

Before running this script, some preparations are required.

Don't worry, most of 'em are built right into Windows 10 and later!

Installing FFmpeg

NSOVVG requires FFmpeg to render the video.

ffmpeg.exe is required for rendering, ffplay.exe is only required for previewing, and ffprobe.exe is required to display progress during rendering.

The installation process is very simple. Just put all the FFmpeg sets in your %PATH%. (Usually, it's C:\Windows\System32\.)

If you don't understand what this means, you can just put them in the same directory as NSOVVG.bat.

Windows built-in scripters

Sometimes some built-in scripters are not found in Windows. (Usually PowerShell does.)

NSOVVG requires following scripters installed on your pc.

  • PowerShell
  • CScript / VBScript / WScript - In almost all cases this should work. If it doesn't, your %PATH% environment variable is corrupt.
  • wmic

If you don't want to bother checking all of this one by one, try running the following code:

@echo off
TITLE NSOVVG Windows Built-in scripters validator
wmic cpu get name >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel% equ 9009 ( echo ERROR: Couldn't find `wmic` on your pc [1/3] ) else ( echo OK: Found `wmic` on your pc [1/3] )
powershell -Command Write-Host $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel% equ 9009 ( echo ERROR: Couldn't find `powershell` on your pc [2/3] ) else ( echo OK: Found `powershell` on your pc [2/3] )
CSCRIPT //b >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel% equ 9009 ( echo ERROR: Couldn't find `cscript` on your pc [3/3] ) else ( echo OK: Found `cscript` on your pc [3/3] )
echo You can now close this window.
pause >nul
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