Hello! My name is Harold. Full stack developer, BS (Computer Science & Data Science) from UW-Madison, Former Dell intern; creator & member of WiscWebGroup. Currently working in (hacked) company. I know full-stack development, algorithms, data processing, machine learning, statistics, and computer networks. I also know a little bit about information security and computer graphics. My favorite language is Java. I also like Python and R. Welcome and I appreciate your follow and stars!
你好! 我是Harold,你也可以叫我阿冰。母校是威斯康星大学麦迪逊,开发者,戴尔前实习生,@WiscWebGroup联合创建者。目前是在 (数据被清除) 公司工作。会全栈开发,算法,数据处理,机器学习,统计学,计算机网络;有一点信息安全和计算机图形学知识。最喜欢的语言是Java,也喜欢Python和R。欢迎关注!
- Language used: Java, Python, R, JavaScript, C, GoLang, SQL, C++, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Shell
- Frameworks: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Tidyverse, Numpy, Pandas, PyTorch, React, Vue, JQuery, Gin, Three.js
- Tools: MySQL, Redis, Docker, Git, SQLite, Nginx, Jenkins, Linux, Maven, Mybatis, Vault, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Systemd
Contact: harold-ye (shift + 2) outlook.com