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5 define a streaming protocol #12

merged 12 commits into from
Mar 3, 2024
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions clash-eth.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ common common-options

-- TemplateHaskell is used to support convenience functions such as
-- 'listToVecTH' and 'bLit'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,12 +85,15 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010

test-suite doctests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Expand All @@ -110,11 +114,13 @@ test-suite test-library
ghc-options: -threaded
main-is: unittests.hs
tasty >= 1.2 && < 1.5,
Expand Down
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions src/Clash/Cores/Ethernet/PacketStream.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- Orphhan Hashable instances

module Clash.Cores.Ethernet.PacketStream
( PacketStreamM2S(..)
, PacketStreamS2M(..)
, PacketStream
) where

import Clash.Prelude hiding ( sample )
import Prelude qualified as P

import Data.Hashable ( Hashable, hashWithSalt )
import Data.Maybe qualified as Maybe
import Data.Proxy

import Control.DeepSeq ( NFData )

import Protocols.Df qualified as Df
import Protocols.DfConv hiding ( pure )
import Protocols.Hedgehog.Internal
import Protocols.Internal

-- | Data sent from manager to subordinate, a simplified AXI4-Stream like interface
-- with metadata that can only change on packet delineation.
-- We bundled _tdest, _tuser and _tid into one big _meta field which holds metadata.
-- We don't have null or position bytes so _tstrb is replaced by a last indicator
-- that includes how many bytes are valid from the front of the vector.
-- _tvalid is modeled via wrapping this in a `Maybe`
data PacketStreamM2S (dataWidth :: Nat) (metaType :: Type)
= PacketStreamM2S {
_data :: Vec dataWidth (BitVector 8),
-- ^ The bytes to be transmitted
_last :: Maybe (Index dataWidth),
-- ^ If Nothing, we are not yet at the last byte, otherwise signifies how many bytes of _data are valid
_meta :: metaType,
-- ^ the metaData of a packet, `_meta` must be constant during a packet.
_abort :: Bool
-- ^ If True, the current transfer is aborted and the slave should ignore the current transfer
} deriving (Generic, ShowX, Show, NFData, Bundle)

-- | Data sent from the subordinate to the manager
-- The only information transmitted is whether the slave is ready to receive data
newtype PacketStreamS2M = PacketStreamS2M {
_ready :: Bool
-- ^ Iff True, the slave is ready to receive data
} deriving (Generic, ShowX, Show, NFData, Bundle, Eq, NFDataX)

-- This data type is used for communication between components
data PacketStream (dom :: Domain) (dataWidth :: Nat) (metaType :: Type)

deriving instance
( KnownNat dataWidth, NFDataX metaType)
=> NFDataX (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType)

deriving instance
( KnownNat dataWidth, Eq metaType)
=> Eq (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType)

-- Orphan hashable instances
deriving instance (KnownNat n) => Hashable (BitVector n)
deriving instance (KnownNat n) => Hashable (Index n)
instance (KnownNat n, Hashable a) => Hashable (Vec n a) where
hashWithSalt s v = hashWithSalt s (toList v)

deriving instance
(KnownNat dataWidth, Hashable metaType)
=> Hashable (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType)

instance Protocol (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where
type Fwd (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = Signal dom (Maybe (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType))
type Bwd (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = Signal dom PacketStreamS2M

instance Backpressure (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where
boolsToBwd _ = fromList_lazy . fmap PacketStreamS2M

instance DfConv (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where
type Dom (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = dom
type FwdPayload (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType

toDfCircuit proxy = toDfCircuitHelper proxy s0 blankOtp stateFn where
s0 = ()
blankOtp = Nothing
stateFn ack _ optItem
= pure (optItem, Nothing, Maybe.isJust optItem && _ready ack)

fromDfCircuit proxy = fromDfCircuitHelper proxy s0 blankOtp stateFn where
s0 = ()
blankOtp = PacketStreamS2M { _ready = False }
stateFn m2s ack _
= pure (PacketStreamS2M {_ready = ack }, m2s, False)

instance (KnownDomain dom) =>
Simulate (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where
type SimulateFwdType (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = [Maybe (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType)]
type SimulateBwdType (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = [PacketStreamS2M]
type SimulateChannels (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) = 1

simToSigFwd _ = fromList_lazy
simToSigBwd _ = fromList_lazy
sigToSimFwd _ s = sample_lazy s
sigToSimBwd _ s = sample_lazy s

stallC conf (head -> (stallAck, stalls))
= withClockResetEnable clockGen resetGen enableGen
$ stall Proxy Proxy conf stallAck stalls

instance (KnownDomain dom) =>
Drivable (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where
type ExpectType (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) =
[PacketStreamM2S dataWidth metaType]

toSimulateType Proxy = fmap Just
fromSimulateType Proxy = Maybe.catMaybes

driveC conf vals
= withClockResetEnable clockGen resetGen enableGen
$ drive Proxy conf vals
sampleC conf ckt
= withClockResetEnable clockGen resetGen enableGen
$ sample Proxy conf ckt

( KnownNat dataWidth
, NFDataX metaType
, NFData metaType
, ShowX metaType
, Show metaType
, Eq metaType
, KnownDomain dom ) =>
Test (PacketStream dom dataWidth metaType) where

expectToLengths Proxy = pure . P.length
expectN Proxy options nExpected sampled
= expectN (Proxy @(Df.Df dom _)) options nExpected
$ Df.maybeToData <$> sampled
24 changes: 0 additions & 24 deletions tests/Test/Cores/Ethernet/Ethernet.hs

This file was deleted.

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions tests/Test/Cores/Ethernet/PacketStream.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Test.Cores.Ethernet.PacketStream where

-- base
import Prelude
import Data.Proxy

-- clash-prelude
import qualified Clash.Prelude as C
import Clash.Prelude (type (<=))

-- hedgehog
import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range

-- tasty
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog (HedgehogTestLimit(HedgehogTestLimit))
import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog.Extra (testProperty)
import Test.Tasty.TH (testGroupGenerator)

-- clash-protocols
import Protocols
import Protocols.Hedgehog
import qualified Protocols.DfConv as DfConv

-- Me
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.PacketStream

genVec :: (C.KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => Gen a -> Gen (C.Vec n a)
genVec gen = sequence (C.repeat gen)

-- | Test the packet stream instance
-- TODO: Use the fifo given by `DfConv`
prop_packetstream_fifo_id :: Property
prop_packetstream_fifo_id =
(Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) genPackets)
(C.exposeClockResetEnable id)
(C.exposeClockResetEnable @C.System ckt)
(\a b -> a === b)
ckt :: (C.HiddenClockResetEnable dom) =>
(PacketStream dom 1 Int)
(PacketStream dom 1 Int)
ckt = DfConv.fifo Proxy Proxy (C.SNat @10)

-- This is used to generate
genPackets =
PacketStreamM2S <$>
(genVec Gen.enumBounded) <*>
(Gen.maybe Gen.enumBounded) <*>
Gen.enumBounded <*>

tests :: TestTree
tests =
localOption (mkTimeout 12_000_000 {- 12 seconds -})
$ localOption (HedgehogTestLimit (Just 1000))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/unittests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ import Prelude

import Test.Tasty

import qualified Test.Cores.Ethernet.Ethernet
import qualified Test.Cores.Ethernet.PacketStream

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ testGroup "."
[ Test.Cores.Ethernet.Ethernet.tests
[ Test.Cores.Ethernet.PacketStream.tests