What's Changed
- Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning by @lgtm-com in #42
- Bump SciJava version
- Update versions used by maven.yml
- Add PlaneInfoWrapper class and set image origin in IJ calibration
- Add setName method to ROIWrapper and use values from the IJ_Property as names
- Change default values for shape colors
- Add setFill to ShapeWrapper
- Compute interval from deltaT
- Add new dependency to pom.xml (ome-xml)
- Add new dependency check in LibraryChecker
- Remove useless final modifiers
- CodeQL fixes (#43)
- Replace instanceof with reflection in ShapeList
- Check NumberFormatException
- Refactor and improve TableWrapper tests
- Improve setUp/cleanUp for IJ table tests
- Rename variables
New Contributors
- @lgtm-com made their first contribution in #42
Full Changelog: 5.9.2...5.9.3