HTC Vive Teleportation System v2.0.0
Requires the SteamVR Plugin for Unity. Install SteamVR BEFORE installing this unitypackage.
See the Getting Started section of the README for initial setup tips.
- Parabolic Pointer: Added support for multiple ground levels.
- Added the ability to selectively mask a ViveNavMesh using Unity's Navigation Areas. This allows users to remove areas from the teleportable space and to optimize the preview rendering step by cutting out unused space.
- The Parabolic Pointer now cuts off when the player points at objects that are not on the Navigation Mesh (however it still does not register as a teleportable point). Previously the pointer would simply cut through these objects.
- Parabolic Pointer now uses Physics.Raycast to detect world collisions. This means that you must now add physics colliders to all teleportable surfaces.
- Highly optimized ViveNavMesh raycasting algorithm. ViveNavMesh now samples Unity's NavMesh directly after raycasting using Unity's Physics.Raycast (see above).
- Added sanity checks and rewrote some of ViveNavMesh Editor to improve stability (especially concerning prefabs)
- Changed serialization of ViveNavMesh border data to a more elegant and stable method. If you are upgrading to v2.0.0, you must update your ViveNavMesh due to these changes.
- Fixed bug where Navmesh visualizer would hover 5cm above the ground (changed to 0.5cm to avoid z-fighting)
- Fixed #11: Crash in Unity beta 5.4.0b18 and earlier when Ground Material is null in ViveNavMesh
- Removed recommended Navmesh bake settings in setup (no longer necessary due to Navigation Area support)
- Removed "Ground Level" option in Parabolic Pointer (no longer necessary due to multi floor level support)