The Enterprise-Connect SDK Repo.
Mode | Avaialble Releases | CF Service | Docker | OAuth |
Client | v1, v1beta | Service 1.x | Optional | UAA |
Gateway | v1, v1beta | Service 1.x | Optional | UAA |
Server | v1, v1beta | Service 1.x | Optional | UAA |
GW:Client | v1, v1beta | Service 1.x | Optional | UAA |
GW:Server | v1, v1beta | Service 1.x | Optional | UAA |
Rev. | Download/Release | CF Instance | CF Service | CF Broker | SDK/Plugins | Tools | Build | QA |
v1 | hokkaido.212 Release Note |
Predix CF1, GovCloud, Frankfurt | kyushu.145 project access | okinawa.8 [project access] | v1.hokkaido.212 | Cloud Foundry Only | Gitlab-CI | Integration |
v1beta | fukuoka.1725 Release Note |
Predix CF3 | sendai.1079 [project access] | okayama.49 [project access] | v1beta.fukuoka.1725 | xcalrii@v2beta.detroit.80 | Gitlab-CI | Integration |
Please contact [email protected] for detais.
## Verify the checksum
### Linux
$ sha256 ./path/to/file/ecagent_linux_sys
$ awk 's=index($0,"b3bf9cd9686e") { print "line=" NR, "start position=" s}' checksum.txt
line=2 start position=1
$ shasum -a 256 ./path/to/file/ecagent_linux_sys
$ awk 's=index($0,"b3bf9cd9686e") { print "line=" NR, "start position=" s}' checksum.txt
line=2 start position=1
c: \> CertUtil -hashfile C:\path\to\file\ecagent_windows.exe sha256
b3bf9cd9686e (find the checksum in the checksum.txt)
Please verify the Release History for previous releases.
Predix, Cloud Foundry, and all subsidiary software products are the DT/RT copyrights all rights reserved by GE Digital LLC. EC Cloud Foundry Service (including the CF Broker) are the products owned by GE Corp, currently maintained by Enterprise-Connect R&D Team. Components that DO NOT associate with Predix, Cloud Foundry, are all under the MIT license, and actively developed and being authored by the Enterprise Connect R&D team. The team (Enterprise Connect R&D Team) is sponsored by GE Corp. Enterprise Connect R&D Team CA is the highest Certificate Authority of its security ECO system, under its own terms.