Releases: EC-Release/sdk
1.0.0-b.1730 (release candidate)
Release candidate (beta) was built based on the candidate librabry v1beta.fukuoka.1729.lib and below are the features included -
- Introducing new
flag /status API. This is mandatory flag and to be used only by EC client agents - With the flag
, the candidate is expected to address #163
Download Binaries
This release was built based on the release librabry v1.hokkaido.214.lib and is a production mirror of the release candidate 1.0.0-b.1730
Download Binaries
v1.hokkaido.214.lib (release library)
Inherited the candidate library v1beta.fukuoka.1729.lib for release build purpose.
SDK Docs
EC Eng WebUI.
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror I)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror II)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror IIII)
v1beta.fukuoka.1729.lib (candidate library)
Inherited the candidate library v1beta.fukuoka.1728.lib This library introduces new revision system to binary stand-alone from its library rev.
SDK Docs
EC Eng WebUI
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror I)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror II)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror IIII)
v1.hokkaido.213 (Release)
Implementing release library v1.hokkaido.213.lib this release features the http proxy enhancement along with the security remediation.
Beginning the 213 release (v1.hokkaido.213), all distributed binaries are encrypted with an agent-specific hash and compressed by level-9 zlib. Follow the steps below to decrypt and de-compress the file for the usage.
The command will prompt a passphrase stdin. The passphrase for docker/non-docker env below will be the revision tag. E.g. v1.hokkaido.213.
The quickest way to obtain this release is via docker-
For Docker Env
docker run -it -e AGENT_REV=v1.hokkaido.213 enterpriseconnect/agent:v1 -ver
To Decrypt/Output An Agent Binary
To decrypt an agent binary for a connectivity usage, the following docker command may be used-
# the example is set for Windows binary only. please download a reciprocal binary for other OS.
# download an agent binary
# decrypt the above artifact, and output the binary for the usage.
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/ec enterpriseconnect/agent:v1.2 -dec -fil /ec/
The command will also prompt a passphrase check and following passing the check, it will produce a .bak
binary. The file could be renamed to .exe
if it were for the Windows usage.
For Non-Docker Env
[1] install the latest helper, or-
[2] download the helper. See the compatibility matrix for decrypt/decompress version.
[3] download the v1.213 binary
[4] the command to decrypt and de-compress the binary as follows-
agent -dec -fil <file path downloaded from [2] >
Users may avoid the stdin prompt by following the instruction here
Download Binaries
v1.hokkaido.213.lib (Release Library)
The graduated candidate library is promoted based on the beta library v1beta.fukuoka.1728. It added the latest proxy enhancement and several security updates resulting from the security remediation
SDK Docs
EC Eng WebUI (Github OIDC)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror I. OAEP)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror II. OAEP)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror III. OAEP)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror IV. OAEP)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror V. OAEP)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror VI. OAEP)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror VII. OAEP)
v1beta.fukuoka.1728 (release candidate)
The release candidate is built upon the library v1beta.fukuoka.1728.lib to fix the http proxy #146
v1beta.fukuoka.1728.lib (candidate library)
The candidate library is to fix the proxy issue in the candidate library v1beta.fukuoka.1727.lib referred by #146
SDK Docs
EC Eng WebUI
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror I)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror II)
EC Eng WebUI (Mirror IIII)
v1beta.fukuoka.1727 (release candidate)
The candidate is built for the library v1beta.fukuoka.1727.lib to address the trackers #121 #122 #124 #125, and enhancements as follows-
- Support proxy/noproxy environment setting.
v1beta.fukuoka.1727.lib (candidate library)
This candidate library extended basic functionality from v1beta.fukuoka.1726.lib and added the following update
- add security remediation [3699] #125
- add security remediation [3702] #122
- remove FT for security remediation [3703] #124
- remove loopback address from whitelist [3704] #121
- enhance proxy/noproxy.