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Android Rolling Code Analysis Generation

Rémy edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 3 revisions

Rolling code analysis & generation

You can analyze captured data and generate new rolling codes from the RX/TX page.

  1. Capture some data (Cf. RX/TX)
  2. Expand the Analyze section
  3. Click on Rolling code (server)
  1. The Kaiju Analysis page will open

If rolling code analysis is successful (i.e. The captured data corresponds to a rolling code data AND the brand/model is supported by Kaiju), then information about the captured rolling code will be displayed:

  • Brand, model of the target device,
  • Serial number identifying the target device,
  • Synchronization counter of the captured frame,
  • Etc.…

A list of available rolling codes will also be displayed, and ready for transmission. Each rolling code corresponds to a synchronization counter, and is only valid once. Once transmitted and received by the target, it becomes useless. PandwaRF keeps track of rolling code status and indicates to the user which rolling codes have already been transmitted. Ex: a frame has been captured and analyzed. Kaiju indicates the sync counter of this frame is 100 and generates 20 rolling codes frames for sync counters 101 to 120. If the user chooses to transmit rolling code with sync counter 105, then frames with sync counters 101 to 105 will become useless, and marked with status: Used.

Note: the following parameters depend on your Kaiju quota:

  • Number of complete analysis of input data: brand, model, SN, Sync, cipher, etc...
  • Number of blank remotes that can be created
  • Number of rolling codes that can be generated. 1 rolling code = 1 key press of a keyfob
  • Number of subsequent rolling codes generated after an analysis


Possible error message:

No License found for product xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx -> You must attach/buy a license to your PandwaRF before requesting a Kaiju analysis.

Monthly Quota {} exceeded -> You have reached your monthly quota. You can check your quota from the profile page.

Daily Quota {} exceeded -> You have reached your daily quota. You can check your quota from the profile page.

Request body must include rawBitStream XOR rawHexStream -> You're request is malformed, if you get this error on Android App please contact us.

samplingRate must be within range [{xxxx}, {yyyy}] bits/s -> You're request contains a sampling rate too low or too high, please set your sampling rate between the given range.

rawHexStream must be hexadecimal string ([0-9A-F]) -> You're request contains a hexadecimal payload with unsupported values, please check your payload, contact us if you get this error on Android App.

rawHexStream must be within range [{}, {}] bytes -> Your're request contains an hexadecimal payload too small or too big, please check your payload, contact us if you get this error on Android App.

rawBitStream must be binary string (0 or 1) -> You're request contains a binary payload with unsupported values, please check your payload, contact us if you get this error on Android App.

rawBitStream must be within range [{}, {}] bits -> Your're request contains an binary payload too small or too big, please check your payload, contact us if you get this error on Android App.

Project Information

PandwaRF Android Application (Normal Mode)

PandwaRF Android Application (Dev Mode)

Marauder Android Application

iOS Application



For developers


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