cangaja is a javascript canvas project that i have started to explore the html canvas features.
- sound features using Buzz!
- touch handling using Hammer
- working with Ejecta on iOS, but Buzz! and Hammer don't work there!
- Mediaasset class (preload and handle files/data)
- Director class (with screen handling/fading)
- Screen class
- Bitmap class
- Layer class
- Sprite class
- Animation class
- Map class
- Button class
- Menu class
- Collision handling (rectangle, circle, no pixelperfect collision at the moment)
- Emitter class (point, line, rectangle, explosion)
- Particle class
- Morphing class
- Translation class (linear, circle, bezier)
- Sequence class (handles multiple Translations)
- Tilemap support orthogonal/isometric (Tiled Map Editor .tmx files format xml or csv)
- Font support (Glyphdesigner EZ Gui text files)
- TexturePacker support (TexturePacker generic XML file)
- Box2DHtml support (Box2DHtml5)
- Destructible Terrain class
- PhysicsEditor support (PhysicsEditor use Lime + Corona JSON format for use in Box2D Wrapper)
Oneway/onesided Platforms Box2d
implement Game into Cangaja as class?
develop something similar to DiddyData. A config file to define files to preload and screens an layers to generate
sprite positioning bug in slide demo?
eliminate Array.forEach
global renderer with webgl support and canvas 2d fallback?
additional options argument for Box2D wrapper classes for detailed configuration?
MapPolyLine and MapPolygon for use as b2ChainShape in Box2D Wrapper => oh, no! b2ChainShape not exists in box2dweb 2.1.x
Tilemap => decision what to prefer => xml or json format?
bugfixing Tilemap with tmx csv format is not animating correctly (tmx with xml and tilemap exported as json works!)
fix missing rotation when follower sprite using TPImage
add support for additional Tiled Map Editor features like object positioning(done!), object path and object group(done!)
support TexturePacker cropping option
class Sequence rewind feature
create new class Writer or Text for textblocks and textscroller using update/draw => then it can be an element of a layer
object pooling for all elements like sprites and so on...
better code documentation and what license to use?
clean up demo code ;o)
z-index for objects useful?
class bitmap method clearcircle is not working with Ejecta ;o(
class text => textblock, alignment, textticker, textscroller features
ParticleDesigner support?
are sprites and other objects out of the game screen (Game.bound) => no drawing and/or not updating of this object?
configurable handle for sprite, animation and button (maybe also button)
add more features to the font class
better input implementation, get rid of the global mousedown variable
use the object group as bound as collision object
additional method in map class for collision check
- 2013-10-17 [bugfix] - of terrain crash, the circle vertices has to be reversed to CCW(?)
- 2013-10-15 [added] - destructabel terrain class ;o)
- 2013-10-07 [added] - added libs Clipper and poly2tri
- 2013-10-07 [change] - removed box2dweb, added box2dhtml5 (Box2D 2.3.0), rework for box2dhtml5, misc updates
- 2013-04-17 [cleanup] - cleanup again
- 2013-04-08 [added] - added mode slide for director to switch screens
- 2013-04-07 [added] - started basic cangaja template for ejecta
- 2013-04-06 [added] - started basic cangaja template
- 2013-04-04 [cleanup] - a little folder structure cleanup
- 2013-04-02 [fixed] - preloader had wrong context
- 2013-03-05 [added] - apidoc generated with yuidoc
- 2013-02-22 [added] - added B2DLine class
- 2013-02-20 [added] - added working B2DBridge class
- 2013-02-13 [bugfix] - Box2D warpper => added name and uid to each object for correct deleting of objects
- 2013-02-10 [added] - dragging, deleting and apply impulse of/to Box2D objects
- 2013-02-05 [added] - first simple Box2D Wrapper with basic shapes: circle, rectangle and polybody
- 2013-01-24 [added] - Sprite to MapArea collision
- 2013-01-23 [misc] - purchased Webstorm JavaScript IDE, thats what i call a JS IDE!
- 2013-01-22 [change] - now finally rewritten for simple inheritance with no way back ;o)
- 2013-01-19 [added] - added a new scale transition mode between screens in Director class
- 2013-01-10 [change/bugfix] - rewrite of class Animation for more "inheritance style" and bugfix for correct midhandle
- 2012-12-30 [added] - added MapPoint and MapArea support to the loadMapXml method => this is also a todo for the json part
- 2012-12-29 [change] - changed comments to jsdoc style
- 2012-12-27 [bugfix] - found collision bug in AABB() method after rewrite of object positioning - found bug when a Button is rotated => wrong label rotation
- 2012-12-27 [change] - classes Emitter, Sprite, Button and Animation are now using a Point Object for positioning
- 2012-12-25 [change] - cleanup of some useless class inheritances
- 2012-12-25 [change] - further changes to work with bounds in sprites => possible bound of a tilemap?
- 2012-12-24 [change] - changed all sources of Game.width/Game.height with Game.bound.width/Game.bound.height
- 2012-12-22 [added] - added class Bound to work with sprites and specialy sprites and bounds in tilemaps
- 2012-11-26 [change] - changed class hierarchy. removed most of ejecta specific code
- 2012-11-17 [bugfix] - bug in method entity => setImage(): image.width/-height <=> image.cutwidth/-height where wrong if TPImage is used
- 2012-10-09 [feature] - added Bitmap class with some functions
- 2012-10-09 [change] - little rewrite to work with Ejecta
- 2012-10-09 [bugfix] - class Tilemap with json source is animating again => forgotten property ;o)
- 2012-10-09 [feature] - added json support to Map class
- 2012-10-09 [feature] - added json support to Texturepacker class (indeed Tiled Map Editor can export to json)
- 2012-10-08 [rewrite] - first rewrite of class map
- 2012-10-02 [feature] - sprites have now the properties offsetx/offsety for the attached objects - class animation/button inherits the attached object features ;o)
- 2012-10-02 [fix] particles in emitter pool now sorted correctly after particle reanimation ;o)
- 2012-09-27 [feature] sprites can have a attached object and control its position for now
- 2012-09-27 [cleanup] index.html
- 2012-09-22 [fix] class button now using the font size for centering the text. glypghdesigners lineheight vary very much.
- 2012-09-14 [feature] added type corona to the emitter class
- 2012-09-19 [cleanup] class translate
- 2012-09-16 [fix] fixed wrong width/height when using rotated tpimage
- 2012-09-16 [speed] for loops optimized
- 2012-09-14 [feature] added type rectangle to the emitter class
- 2012-09-14 [fix] Mediaasset last image is not preloading => bug in MediaAsset getImageByName()
- Director
- Entity
- B2DEntity
- B2DCircle
- B2DRectangle
- B2DPolygon
- B2DLine
- B2DBridge
- B2DRope
- B2DChainShape
- Bitmap
- Bound
- Buffer
- Emitter
- Font
- Layer
- B2DWorld
- Map
- Menu
- Morph
- Point
- Vector
- Rectangle
- Sprite
- Animation
- Button
- Particle
- Sprite
- Sequence
- Screen
- Translate
- B2DEntity
- MapPoints
- MapAreas
- MapTileLayer
- MapTileProperties
- MediaAsset
- Atlas-Image
- Atlas-TexturePacker
- Game
- MediaAsset
- Director
- Screen
- Layer
- Animation
- Button
- Emitter
- Map
- Menu
- Sprite
- B2DWorld
- B2DCircle
- B2DRectangle
- B2DPolygon
- B2DLine
- B2DBridge
- B2DRope
- B2DChainShape
- Layer
- Screen
//preload all needed files
Game.asset.addImage('media/img/rocket.png', 'rocket')
//font glypgdesigner
//tilemap xml
//texturepacker image
//texturepacker xml
//texturepacker json
//tilemap json
//start preload
//getting asset stuff
var tp = new CG.AtlasTexturePacker()
//load texturepacker json file (recommended for ejecta use)
//the same example for texturepacker xml file
//add Texturepacker TPImages to mediaasset images
Game.asset.images.push.apply(Game.asset.images, tp.getAtlasImages())
//create font and load font file
font = new CG.Font().loadFont(Game.asset.getFontByName('heiti'))
//draw some text
font.drawText('Hello world ;o)', xpos, ypos)
//create director
var director = new CG.Director()
//adding screen and layer object to director
new CG.Screen('screenname').addLayer('layername')
//fade screen to another screen with duration 5
director.nextScreen('anotherscreen', 5)
//update all attached dircetor objects in game loop
//draw all attached director objects in game loop
//create sprite
cloud = new CG.Sprite(Game.asset.getImageByName('cloud'), 150, 150) = 'cloud'
cloud.xscale = 0.75
cloud.yscale = 0.75
cloud.xspeed = 0.5
cloud.yspeed = -0.25
cloud.boundsMode = 'slide'
//add sprite to layer
//or add sprite direct to layer object
//create animation object
expl = new CG.Animation('media/img/burst.png', mousex, mousey, 1, 256, 256, 256)
expl.yspeed = -1 = 'expl'
expl.loop = false
expl.delay = 2
expl.rotation = Math.floor((Math.random() * 180) + 1)
expl.rotationspeed = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1)
//add animation to layer
bm = new CG.Bitmap(300,300)
//load and draw a image to the buffer
//adding buffer as element to a layer
//clear a circular region of the bitmap
//clear a rectangular region of the bitmap
// clear the buffer
// and draw the loaded image back to the buffer
var map = new CG.Map(640, 480)
//loading a tiles tilemap as xml into map, supported is csv and xml
//loading a tiles tilemap as json format (recommended for ejecta use)
//example in game loop
map.drawMap(mousex*2>>0, mousey*2>>0, Game.bound.width, Game.bound.height, 0, 0, callbackMapCollision)
new CG.Bound (200,0,400,400)
window.onload = function() {
//create canvas element programaticaly
can = document.createElement('canvas')
can.width = 640
can.height = 480 = 'canvas'
//mouse move handler
can.addEventListener('mousemove', function(evt) {
var rect = can.getBoundingClientRect(), root = document.documentElement;
mousex = evt.clientX - canvas.offsetCG.LEFT;
mousey = evt.clientY - canvas.offsetTop;
}, false);
//jump into the game object ;o)
var Game = {
path: '', //optional path depending on file/folder structure
fps: 60,
width: 640,
height: 480,
width2: 640 / 2,
height2: 480 / 2,
bound: new CG.Bound(0,0,640,480).setName('game'),
canvas: {},
ctx: {},
b_canvas: {},
b_ctx: {},
asset: new CG.MediaAsset('media/img/splash3.jpg'),
director: new CG.Director(),
delta: new CG.Delta(60),
preload: function(){
//canvas for ouput
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas")
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
//canvas buffer
Game.b_canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
Game.b_ctx = Game.b_canvas.getContext('2d')
Game.b_canvas.width = Game.bound.width
Game.b_canvas.height = Game.bound.height
//preload images
//after preload jump to Game.create
create: function() {
//buzz: create/load sound objects
mySound = new buzz.sound("media/sfx/serious", {
formats: [ "ogg", "mp3", "aac", "wav" ],
preload: true,
autoplay: true,
loop: true
myShoot = new buzz.sound("media/sfx/laser", {
formats: [ "ogg", "mp3", "aac", "wav" ],
preload: true,
loop: false
mainscreen = new CG.Screen('mainscreen')
mainlayer = new CG.Layer('mainlayer')
//elements: buttons, animations, sprites, emitter
button1 = new CG.Button(Game.asset.getImageByName('button'), 320, ybutton, 'Start', font, callBackFunction) = 'start'
sun = new CG.Sprite(Game.asset.getImageByName('sun'), 480, 100) = 'sun'
sun.boundingradius = 150
sun.xspeed = 1
sun.boundsMode = 'slide'
sun.xscale = 1
sun.yscale = 1
mainlayer.addElement(new CG.Emitter()
.initAsExplosion(Game.asset.getImageByName('powerstar75'), -2, 2)
.setEmitterPosition(320, 240))
//create needed stuff and add it to the director: screens => layers => elements
loop: function(){
var last = new Date()
// delta = (now - then) / (1000 / Game.fps);
delta = (new Date() - last) / 1000
run: function() {
update: function() {
draw: function() {
//clear ctx
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, Game.bound.width, Game.bound.height)
//place custom drawings here
//draw all elements handled by the director or its screens/layers/elements
//draw buffer to ctx
ctx.drawImage(Game.b_canvas, 0, 0)
//clear buffer
Game.b_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, Game.bound.width, Game.bound.height)
touchinit: function() {
hammer = new Hammer(canvas);
hammer.on('tap', function(ev) {
mousedown = true
mousex = ev.position[0].x - canvas.offsetCG.LEFT //correct ontap value x
mousey = ev.position[0].y - canvas.offsetTop //correct ontap value y
hammer.on('dragstart', function(ev) {
hammer.on('drag', function(ev) {
mousex = ev.position.x
mousey = ev.position.y
hammer.on('dragend', function(ev) {
hammer.on('swipe', function(ev) {
hammer.on('doubletap', function(ev) {
hammer.on('hold', function(ev) {
hammer.on('transformstart', function(ev) {
hammer.on('transform', function(ev) {
hammer.on('transformend', function(ev) {
hammer.on('release', function(ev) {
touchhandler: function(){
mousedown = false