Clarity Protect is a advanced discord security bot for help you to protect your servers.
- Antispam
- Antilink
- Antiban
- Antibot
- Antikick
- Antitoxicity
- Antiupdate
- Antijoin
- Verifsystem
- Antirole
- Antiembed
- Anticaps
- Antideco
- Antimute
- Antideafen
- Antitimeout
- Antiwebhook
- Antiadmin
- Defqon
- Maintenance
- Raidrole
- Captcha
- Antibadword
- Antiflopword
- Antimove
- Antiping
- Antichannel
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Before contributing, please read the code of conduct & contributing guidelines.
A simple star to this project repo is enough to keep me motivated on this project for days. If you find your self very much excited with this project let me know with a tweet.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Discord.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.