All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Reorganize Admin interface
Bump dependencies & translations
Remove a bunch of jquery
Remove sonata user bundle
Full Changelog:
- Bump dependencies & translations
- Migration rollup
Full Changelog:
- Bumped dependencies & translations
- Fix deprecations
- Add Bugsnag performance
- Remove legacy Google Analytics, add gtm manager
- SHARE-555 child restriction by @makne17
Full Changelog:
- Bumped dependencies & translations
- Fixes minor bugs and deprecated code
- Bumped php version to 8.3
- Switched sendinblue to brevo
- Full Changelog:
- Bumped dependencies & translations
- Fixes minor bus and deprecated code Full Changelog:
- Bumped dependencies & translations
- Fixes minor bus and deprecated code
- Added bugsnag monitoring for php errors
Full Changelog:
- lazy load translation dependencies (performance)
- disable remix & apks (performance)
- refresh rate (achievements + notifications) bumped to 5 minutes (performance)
- refresh rate (project api) bumped to 180 minutes (performance)
- add FeatureFlags to twig functions (dx)
- fix invalid entities
- fix hero banner styling in test env
- remove unnecessary fflags
- fix language selector
- Bumped dependencies & translations
- Removed recent projects from the start page
- SHARE-574 Studio List - Part 3 (add and remove projects) by @makre10 in #4685
Full Changelog:
Switched to new versioning scheme. This is the first release with the new versioning scheme (year.month.patch).
SHARE-545 Small fixes by @schaubes in #3740
SHARE-539 Improve feedback for download project button by @EifonUser in #3745
Emails switch provider to sendInBlue by @dmetzner in #3751
Adding indexes for project/user by @dmetzner in #3752
Remove jquery from start page & prevent unnecessary 2nd query… by @dmetzner in #3753
Elasticsearch analyzer settings was not applied by @danielzhang130 in #3786
Hotfix comments performance by @dmetzner in #3816
SHARE-434 Add studio overview by @schaubes in #3442
SHARE-540 User profile page Project pagination by @bonbuo in #3877
SHARE-518 Enhance Email validation by @EifonUser in #3908
SHARE-524 Feedback for password reset attempts by @EifonUser in #3907
SHARE-543 Project download as non-user throws ugly error by @EifonUser in #3787
SHARE-327 Scratch Project Notes and Credits by @bonbuo in #3946
SHARE-541 Auto changelog by @hungryapeman in #3903
SHARE-550 Media Library improvements by @schaubes in #3954
SHARE-535 Feature flag management for new features by @EifonUser in #3929
SHARE-533 Email templates & preview by @EifonUser in #3779
SHARE-561 Fix stateless session error by @schaubes in #4186
SHARE-551 Privacy link in footer by @makne17 in #4260
SHARE-559: Comment translation bugs by @makne17 in #4253
SHARE-526 Incorrect google translations broke the screen by @makre10 in #4328
SHARE-433 Add Studios to sidebar by @makre10 in #4336
SHARE-530 translation achievement banner by @makne17 in #4344
SHARE-470 trending projects category by @makne17 in #4447
SHARE-471 Improved all-time ranking of projects by @makne17 in #4448
SHARE-393 Maintenance Information by @makre10 in #4512
SHARE-544 by @dmetzner in #4593
SHARE-573 Clean up task: Consistency in naming by @greilberger13 in #4654
SHARE-124 - DB migration and implementation of UserAPI by @bonbuo in #4603
SHARE-549 Studio List - Part 2 by @makre10 in #4606
SHARE-564 Collapse and expand categories in MediaLibrary by @makne17 in #4619
SHARE-573 Clean up task: Consistency in naming by @greilberger13 in #4674
SHARE-124 rename currentlyWorkingOn to currently_working_on by @bonbuo in #4673
SHARE-525 New Email Design by @EifonUser in #4678
SHARE-573 Replacing finished, except for tests, DB and assets by @greilberger13 in #4689
SHARE-565 redesign language selection by @makne17 in #4762
Updated translations
Updated multiple dependencies to stay secure, and to keep up with the latest features and bug fixes.
- @EifonUser, @bonbuo, @makne17, @makre10, @greilberger13
Full Changelog:
- Migrate yaml config to php
- Fix refresh token (@dermaku-dardan)
- Redesign of comment section (@dermaku-dardan)
- Extend survey with platform and flavor (@dermaku-dardan)
- Add "Multiplayer" tag (@dermaku-dardan)
- Add translations
- Bump a lot of dependencies
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Changelog missing
- Add DKIM mail signing
- update dependencies
- update translations API & features
- Add refresh token to register API
- Add refresh token to OAuth API
- Fix verify/email service controller registration
- Fix ResetPasswordSubscriber event
- Disable Stacktrace logging and increase min level to warning
- Get rid of bs container-max with to better fit the sidebar design
- Slightly enhance authentication desktop design
- fix bearer token-expiration null pointer exception
- increase behat test window size to a more modern size 335->360
- remove fos_user registration & reset password
- add symfonycasts reset password
- add symfonycasts confirm registration
- use API for registration
- replace registration terms of use popup with information text
- add symfony/mailer
- add response cache to project categories API
- update dependencies
- update translations API & features
- update dependencies
- update translations API & features
- download counter restrictions
- edit project name
- add autoprefixer
- ...
- update dependencies (ElasticSearch v7, ...)
- update translations
- add ETag caching to language translation api
- Improved feedback loop when users trigger a download
- Removed email registration confirmation email
- Enhanced language selection menu
- update dependencies
- update translations
- studio enhancements
- fix password visibility toggle
- clean up configs
- enhance webpack usage, js, behat hooks, ..
- update dependencies (bootstrap 4 => 5!)
- update translations
- new welcome section
- enable random project category with optimized performance
- optimize tag/extension display
- new Achievement + Tag for #catrobatfestival2021
- update dependencies
- update translations
- update dependencies
- update translations
- webpack improvements
- tag & extensions rework
- update dependencies
- update translations
- new media-lib design (part 1)
- update dependencies
- update translations
- Adds new iTranslate features
- Adds new flavors
- basic studio logic: activity list, member list, detail view, admin settings
- error logging translate api
- update/fix dependencies
- update translations
- remove random category from startpage
- Adds new iTranslate features: admin interface,
- Adds new flavors
- update dependencies
- update translations
- fix image upload bug
- enable Achievements for production
- new Achievement animation
- Achievement user view
- build dir is now built on demand (remove compiled webpack files)
- update dependencies
- update translations
- iTranslate next steps / advancements
- privacy policy is now a redirect
- update dependencies
- update translations
- minor cron job improvements
- removing dead code
- fix sass deprecations
- Backend for Studios added
- Achievements Events added
- Admin interface for cron job
- Admin interface for special updater
- Admin interface for static achievements data
- iTranslate API improved & extended
- update dependencies
- update translations
- increase and fix psalm issues to lvl 4
- new API route: authentication/upgrade
- Removed deprecated unused API routes
- Updated dependencies
- Fix tabs on user profiles
- Fix invisible loading spinners
- Disable click outside popups
- Achievements Overview + Updater
- Part 1 iTranslate integration
- Internal enhancements
- Upgraded API version
- Updated dependencies
- Added automatic release PR creation to GA
- GitHub Actions - cancel duplicated runs
- Admin Area refactoring
- Minor internal refactorings
- Enable auto deployment
- internal API rework
- better translation fallbacks
- fix docker image (code coverage)
- adapt GitHub Actions to reduce overhead and prevent crowdin clashes with other teams
- Translation Hotfix
- Dependencies
- Added new API version
- new routes for survey
- new categories oversight
- Dependencies
- fixes preloading of images
- somue dependency updates
- New Frontend for APK Signing (hidden until backend finished)
- New Catblocks release 🌺
- Add translation capability to project and comments via link to google translation
- CAPI update 1.0.52
- (GET|HEAD requests contain hash)
- Projects now have Tag information
- Register endpoint returns token
- Report API supports bearer and upload token
- Admin Area
- Refactoring
- Better Logging
- Dependencies
- Optimized lazy loading (images)
- Preloading (fonts, css)
- use official HWIOauth Bundle
- Show path in remix graph working again
- Microsoft Edge Support
- Added project id and project url
- serve images as webp
- CAPI v??
- Huawei App Gallery
- project credits & discription syncronized with XML
- new catblocks release
- username in project search
- use webpack encore
- help pages replaced
- change buttons to material
- Regex Hotfix
- fixed rremix graph on open
- language dropdown, shows correct language in certain browsers
- API Hotfix
- various new bricks
- phpUnit tests
- new projectList design
- new Notifications design
- update dependencies
- update translations
- better UX feedback by loading spinners
- Admin interface refactoring
- internal concept to store projects (allow deduplication)
- project download error handling
- minor style issues
- minor CI check issues
- project structure
- removed code smells
- GameJam (will be studios in the future)
- Recommendation categories (will be re-added in a later release)
- welcome section for embroidery and luna
- Oauth Login - Google, Facebook, Apple (web only, no API)
- Crowdin Synchronization (GitHub Action)
- CodeCov Reports (GitHub Action)
- Psalm added (Static Analysis)
- Landing page categories use Extensions in addition to flavors to find projects.
- update dependencies
- Embroidery color and logo
- admin interface refactoring (media package category and files)
- remove debug projects from search results
- Symfony project structure (migrations)
- updated dependencies
- admin interface (approve)
- remove limited users
- remove search option on code view page
- recommendation system
- featured projects
- max-version in search
- button css
- grammar of translations
- New Bricks (BackgroundRequestBrick, LookRequestBrick)
- CAPI upgrades to v1.0.41 (user routes, health check, no total-results)
- Detail page for scratch projects
- CAPI upgrades to v1.0.41 (no total-results)
- Bumped many dependencies (Thx to @dependabot)
- Multiple flavors for assets
- New project view design (remix, code view, code stats on their own pages)
- Admin Area refactoring
- Debug projects only hidden in production
- Default favicon.ico
- BadRequest API response in json format
- API validation messages
- Do not show webview content on mobile - ony if web-view
- Improved search (elastic search)
- Github action computation time reduced
- Admin Interface
- Bumped many dependencies (Thx to dependabot)
- Improved CI system
- Docker switch from Ubuntu to Debian
- Search queries including special character
- Project Code/Stats view will be updated on every project upload
- static images optimized
- mutable assets are no longer wrongly cached after an update (profile/project images)
- added Apple Site Association
- New Brick (ClearUserListBrick)
- New Brick (UserBrick)
- Download Multiple Media Files (only web)
- Media Library Search
- Download whole Media Library Objects
- various Content
- SCSS coding standard
- Search Progress Indicator added
- Loading spinner for code view added
- Releasing Catblocks for the first time 🎂
- improved GithubActions 😍
- complete rework of follower feature
- Major refactoring of Behat Test System
- Major refactoring of ResetCommand
- DB switched for test environment (mysql instead of sqlite3)
- Migrated to php7.4 (hyped for php8.0)
- Updated Search to find meaningful content
- Switched Backup Strategies to BORG
- Major Admin Area Refactoring
- Typography
- fixed consistent time access
- Featured and Approved projects cant be reported anymore (bad spammers 👊)
- Invisible projects can be downloaded
- NPM & Composer Security Fixes and Updates
- Improve Font loading
- No email in username allowed anymore
- Upload with Tags / Extensions
- remove LDAP login
- remove download of multiple media files
- Catroweb-API in basic version added (v1.0.38)
- Added 4 new Blocks used in Catrobat
- Added new Scratch Remix category
- Added new Remix Notification
- Added new Remix Notification category
- Admin Area: Add a tool for finding rejected/reported programs and comments
- generate no new Upload token upon upload
- account deletion refined and fixed a bug causing unnecessary code to be executed
- Bugfix for Notification System
- bug when uploading a project would not extract all assets
- User history admin view
- Notification menu extended
- updated deploy script and create wiki entry
- removed project navigation from Media Library Sidebar
- removed LocaleBundle deprecation
- Bug with comments on remixed projects
- Bangala translation fixed
- Changed buttons
- removed ContainerAwareCommand deprecation
- removed template deprecation
- CodeStatistics Logic updated and added missing bricks
- Upload bug with google account
- Hotfix forces
- Admin interface problems because of unnecessary flavor check
- validation bug with legacy projects
parameter is back
was missing -> added now- rename user account feature + translations
- added more from on details page
- added tutorial tag
- human readable text instead of html quargel for search input
- admin flavor checks
- added embroidery flavor
- added popup setting programs private/public
- added arduino flavor
- added the possibility to write credits
- themes will now be accepted via user agent not in link
- increase max. description length to 10.000 chars
- allow deep indexing by crawlers
- show categories (featured programs...) in sidebar
- generate apk button hidden for iOS users
- project loader refactored
- renaming
.. - Major framework upgrade
- refactored notification system (beautify, seperated into categories, mark all as read)
- private programs now really private
- program statistics design fix
- optimized images for web traffic
- keep aspect ratio when cropping thumbnails
- search uses
instead ofOR
- fixing admin RAM cake (#343)
- fixed a bug in
- removed the possibility to log into facebook
- removed the possibility to post programs to facebook
- removed legacy remix notification
- request uri too long
- return only public programs from api
- Filtering for
- prefer programs of current flavor in API calls
- Fixes javascript vulnerability
- use mobile window size for tests
- corrects search box position
- Removed Geocoder
- Removed jQuery 2.1.0
- Fixes a problem in db connection with
- Program Owner now visible on small devices too.
- User Badge in the sidebar will be updated immediately after marking a notification as read.
- Media Library assets now will be shown by name if no thumbnail is given.
- Media Library assets(sounds) can now be played without download.
- "Show Password" option added for login.
- Production logs are now rotating.
- Deployment script adapted for more privacy and more modularity.
- On the profile page all programs are loaded at once, are ordered and all own programs will be displayed.
- Headlines are now centered throughout all designs.
- Programs that are uploaded ar no longer set to private if languageVersion is higher than supported.
- Recommended Program section will only be displayed if programs for this section exist.
- Recommender System diversity enriched.
- Complete change of Media-Library (new Ajax Loading, sorting)
- Hardcoded translations switched to dynamic translations
- Usernames are now consistently visible in program details.
- Project documentation removed from repo and relocated to github wiki.
- Tooltip is now displayed once not twice.
- Media-Library files are named correctly on download. (Filename not ID, works only in browser)
- Notification badge in the sidebar will now be displayed correctly.
- Clean logs command fixed.
- Limiting text to display width.
- DB Migration fixed to work correct.
- Follow Icon gets positioned correctly again.
- Color of text in search field is adjusted for "Luna & Cat"