list endpoint and segment migration #2145
[email protected] prebuild:project
node set_build_variables.js
Beginning pre build environment string replacements in files
Pre build environment string replacements complete.
[email protected] build:project
ng build --configuration ${ENV:-develop} --base-href /upgrade/
One or more browsers which are configured in the project's Browserslist configuration will be ignored as ES5 output is not supported by the Angular CLI.
Ignored browsers: kaios 2.5, op_mini all
- Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...
✔ Browser application bundle generation complete.
✔ Browser application bundle generation complete. - Copying assets...
✔ Copying assets complete. - Generating index html...
✔ Index html generation complete.
Initial chunk files | Names | Raw size | Estimated transfer size
main.875f8274085cabca.js | main | 1.56 MB | 316.37 kB
styles.37da8d716d4837e6.css | styles | 246.50 kB | 22.11 kB
polyfills.fd8989141a0bd029.js | polyfills | 36.51 kB | 11.92 kB
runtime.b0cf77f7005c8f80.js | runtime | 3.09 kB | 1.49 kB
| Initial total | 1.83 MB | 351.88 kB
Lazy chunk files | Names | Raw size | Estimated transfer size
903.92e610a296bfd66c.js | profile-profile-module | 1.04 MB | 238.60 kB
734.13e230549598bc2f.js | home-home-module | 890.93 kB | 139.40 kB
662.530f703387ad62b7.js | home-home-module | 107.55 kB | 22.08 kB
829.8cc7499af4721698.js | logs-logs-module | 101.56 kB | 24.40 kB
980.21317f3ac789fd0f.js | home-home-module | 95.66 kB | 16.08 kB
473.0f50d839f9048ae6.js | experiment-users-experiment-users-module | 55.47 kB | 7.74 kB
667.d3eb62b7bf75d6c1.js | feature-flags-pages-feature-flag-details-page-feature-flag-details-page-component | 38.34 kB | 6.52 kB
721.85d6275d5896ddcc.js | features-auth-auth-module | 25.11 kB | 6.53 kB
514.ef306f5f3dcc7127.js | feature-flags-pages-feature-flag-root-page-feature-flag-root-page-component | 18.92 kB | 4.47 kB
328.0c5b6a310c1639c9.js | home-home-module | 8.51 kB | 2.96 kB
902.a6d088c923f9cb31.js | features-dashboard-dashboard-module | 8.49 kB | 2.22 kB
758.469b3d6d81f9248c.js | features-auth-auth-module | 3.68 kB | 1.08 kB
common.dede3207667086ee.js | common | 1011 bytes | 479 bytes
Build at: 2024-12-09T14:38:03.487Z - Hash: 4f72fb4832d3c98b - Time: 112325ms
./projects/upgrade/src/styles.scss - Warning: Module Warning (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Angular Material themes should be created from a map containing the keys "color", "typography", and "density". The color value should be a map containing the palette values for "primary", "accent", and "warn". See for more information.
node_modules/@angular/material/core/theming/_theming.scss 183:5 define-light-theme()
projects/upgrade/src/themes/light-theme.scss 87:15 @import
projects/upgrade/src/styles.scss 11:9 root stylesheet
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/node_modules/@swimlane/ngx-charts/fesm2020/swimlane-ngx-charts.mjs depends on 'rfdc'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
For more info see:
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/node_modules/ang-jsoneditor/fesm2022/ang-jsoneditor.mjs depends on 'jsoneditor'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
For more info see:
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/projects/upgrade/src/app/core/experiments/store/experiments.effects.ts depends on 'jszip'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
For more info see:
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/projects/upgrade/src/app/core/feature-flags/feature-flags.service.ts depends on 'lodash.isequal'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
For more info see:
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/projects/upgrade/src/app/features/dashboard/home/components/experiment-design/experiment-design.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 602 bytes with a total of 6.59 kB.
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/projects/upgrade/src/app/features/dashboard/home/components/experiment-overview/experiment-overview.component.ts depends on 'lodash.find'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
For more info see:
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/projects/upgrade/src/app/features/dashboard/home/components/factorial-experiment-design/factorial-experiment-design.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 2.49 kB with a total of 8.49 kB.
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/projects/upgrade/src/app/features/dashboard/home/pages/view-experiment/view-experiment.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 6.00 kB was not met by 3.75 kB with a total of 9.75 kB.
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/projects/upgrade/src/app/features/dashboard/logs/components/error-logs/error-logs.component.ts depends on 'lodash.groupby'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
For more info see:
Warning: /home/jenkins/workspace/Upgrade-Build_PR-2145/frontend/projects/upgrade/src/app/features/dashboard/segments/pages/view-segment/view-segment.component.ts depends on 'lodash.clonedeep'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
For more info see: