Use Docker containers for tests and code validation!
Useful docker images for robotic projects:
$ sudo apt-get install
- Build a Dockerfile
$ docker build -t bircimatec/name:tag .
- Kill a container
$ docker kill containerName
- List all images in your computer
$ docker image ls
- List all containers running in your computer
$ docker container ls
- Erase all stopped containers
$ docker container prune
- First, you need to get acess to link. For this, you need to talk to Gustavo Rezende.
- After getting acess and built your image, follow the instructions:
(1) Login in your Docker Account through terminal
$ docker login --username=yourUserNameInDockerHub
(2) Push to docker hub repository
$ docker push bircimatec/name:tag
(!) Delete .json file after your push for password security.