Adding New GA Version #26953
Adding New GA Version #26953
openapi-pipeline-app / Swagger LintDiff
Jan 10, 2024 in 3m 14s
Swagger LintDiff succeeded
compared tags (via openapi-validator v2.1.6) | new version | base version |
package-2022-09-01-preview | package-2022-09-01-preview(25687e6) | package-2022-09-01-preview(main) |
package-2024-04-01 | package-2024-04-01(25687e6) | default(main) |
[must fix]The following errors/warnings are introduced by current PR:
Rule | Message | Related RPC [For API reviewers] |
Use the latest version v5 of types.json. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/stable/2024-04-01/azuresphere.json#L3049 |
Use the latest version v5 of types.json. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/stable/2024-04-01/azuresphere.json#L3052 |
Use the latest version v5 of types.json. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/stable/2024-04-01/azuresphere.json#L3055 |
Use the latest version v5 of types.json. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/stable/2024-04-01/azuresphere.json#L3093 |
The following errors/warnings exist before current PR submission:
Only 50 items are listed, please refer to log for more details.
Rule | Message |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L214 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L268 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L274 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L339 |
DeleteResponseCodes |
Long-running delete operations must have responses with 202, 204 and default return codes. They also must have no other response codes. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L356 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L518 |
ResourceNameRestriction |
The resource name parameter 'imageName' should be defined with a 'pattern' restriction. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L762 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L798 |
RepeatedPathInfo |
The 'imageName' already appears in the path, please don't repeat it in the request body. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L839 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L859 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L865 |
DeleteResponseCodes |
Long-running delete operations must have responses with 202, 204 and default return codes. They also must have no other response codes. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L893 |
ParametersInPost |
$filter is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L971 |
ParametersInPost |
$top is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L971 |
ParametersInPost |
$skip is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L971 |
ParametersInPost |
$maxpagesize is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L971 |
ParametersInPost |
$filter is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1033 |
ParametersInPost |
$top is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1033 |
ParametersInPost |
$skip is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1033 |
ParametersInPost |
$maxpagesize is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1033 |
ParametersInPost |
$filter is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1104 |
ParametersInPost |
$top is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1104 |
ParametersInPost |
$skip is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1104 |
ParametersInPost |
$maxpagesize is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1104 |
ParametersInPost |
$filter is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1166 |
ParametersInPost |
$top is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1166 |
ParametersInPost |
$skip is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1166 |
ParametersInPost |
$maxpagesize is a query parameter. Post operation must not contain any query parameter other than api-version. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1166 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1308 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1370 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1376 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1449 |
DeleteResponseCodes |
Long-running delete operations must have responses with 202, 204 and default return codes. They also must have no other response codes. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1484 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1726 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1796 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1802 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1883 |
DeleteResponseCodes |
Long-running delete operations must have responses with 202, 204 and default return codes. They also must have no other response codes. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L1918 |
LroLocationHeader |
A 202 response should include an Location response header. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2052 |
ResourceNameRestriction |
The resource name parameter 'deploymentName' should be defined with a 'pattern' restriction. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2219 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2271 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2348 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2354 |
DeleteResponseCodes |
Long-running delete operations must have responses with 202, 204 and default return codes. They also must have no other response codes. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2382 |
OperationIdNounVerb |
Per the Noun_Verb convention for Operation Ids, the noun 'Devices' should not appear after the underscore. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2471 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2588 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2666 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2672 |
ConsistentPatchProperties |
The property 'properties.deviceGroupId' in the request body either not apppear in the resource model or has the wrong level. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2753 |
ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly |
provisioningState property must be set to readOnly. Location: Microsoft.AzureSphere/preview/2022-09-01-preview/azuresphere.json#L2761 |