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How to get a failing Safe transaction on Rinkeby

Tobias Schubotz edited this page Jun 5, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Open your Safe (e.g.
  2. Click Send -> Contract interaction
  3. Paste in the address of an ERC20 token (e.g. WETH: 0xc778417e063141139fce010982780140aa0cd5ab)
  4. ABI should be loaded automatically.
  5. Select transfer from the method dropdown.
  6. Enter a recipient address for dst (e.g. 0xaE3c91c89153DEaC332Ab7BBd167164978638c30)
  7. Enter an amount for wad. Note that WETH has 18 decimals. (e.g. 100000000000000000000 for 100 WETH)
  1. Review and Submit your tx
  2. Approve with the necessary number of owners.
  3. Wait for execution.
  4. Your tx should now fail. (It won't fail when you actually have 100 WETH. So make sure to use an amount which is above your balance ;-) (e.g.
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