Our project is Expedia recommendation system improvement
All data preprocessing and modeling files are in "Python" file.
Make sure you have already installed Jupyter Notebook.
Comments in files are easy to follow.
Make sure you are connected to the Internet because we are using Amazon AWS to store our database.
Follow the steps as follows:
Open the Terminal.
Then go to the root directory of the file called “Expedia-improvement”.
Type “node index.js” to run the server. It may ask you to install some packages. All package information should be in “package.json” file. If you can see “running”, everything should be ok.
Open Chrome browser and maximize the window. (We did not do optimization for different browsers, so make sure you maximize the window)
Type in “localhost:3000” in the address bar.
Type in userID in the search box and hit “Go!” button. It will take you to the search page.
The five numbers in the pie chart are the top five recommendation hotel cluster IDs. UserID is shown in the middle. You can continue to type in userID in the search box to search for other userIDs. The result should be similar to the search page.