Doing uber code challenge (SF Film Locations) to learn basic technique for internship. The website can be view at and the database is holding on mLab.
All of the following tutorials are designed for Mac OS, for other platform, please refer to official documents for guidance.
Assuming you already have python(2.7), pip and homebrew installed on your computer. If any of the following commands fail to run, add sudo at the very beginning and try again. If it still doesn't work, please refer to official documentations.
- Install Django
Inside your terminal do
pip install django
- Install MongoDB
Inside your terminal do
brew update
brew install mongodb
- Install dependencies
You will need three python packages: PyMongo, MongoEngine and Requests, do it by command
pip install pymongo
pip install requests
pip install mongoengine
- Get source code
Navigate to your desire directory in your terminal and do
git clone
Then make sure you have the latest version by
git fetch
git pull
- Start the server and the database
First start the database server, in terminal(assume the path of the source code, i.e. the directory containing is /some/path/to/source/), do
mongod --dbpath /some/path/to/source/film/data/
Next, if this is the first time you run the code, dump the data to your local database by running you just want to query the data) or run you would like to work with Film model)
Please make sure your MongoDB server is running while you run the above command
Finally, run Django server in another terminal window/tab
python runserver
Then the website is ready to view at http://localhost:8000/ (by default)
The FastSetup_Uber.scpt is an AppleScript that could start both servers in two seperate terminal tabs and also open the third tab in order to give you a free tab to do git commands or dump data. There is also an App version of the script. So if you are using Mac OS(Scirpt was written in El Captain), you could modify the file path in the script and make use of it.
- Major Change
More cool features such as google map API. 2. Minor and Performance Change
2.1 Add static files(especially CSS and Javascript) to beautify the website. !IMPORTANT!
2.2 Implement more general search function(ignore space, case insensitive, search by other field) by regex and other tools.
2.3 Figure out how to create superuser. (wait for mongoengine to update for Django 1.9 hopefully, see
P.S: mongoengine==0.9.0 && pymongo==2.8.1 && proper settings
result in sucess for creating superuser but failure when login to admin site.