Homebridge plugin that controls a ceiling fan control module made by Satellite Electronic, Ltd. over Bluetooth Low-Energy.
The MR101F module installs into the ceiling fan canopy, substituting the wiring connection between the fan and the house. It also comes with a suprisingly nifty RF remote. The module is rebranded and sold in the US as Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fan Remote Control (Lowe's).
The plugin was designed and tested on Raspberry Pi Zero W.
- Install packages. For Raspbian Stretch:
# apt install nodejs-legacy npm bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev libcap2-bin
- Eanble BLE access via non-root users:
# setcap cap_net_raw+eip /usr/bin/nodejs
- Install Homebridge.
# npm install -g homebridge homebridge-satellite-fan
Update your configuration to include a satellite-fan
accessory. See an example at sample-config.json
See “Running Homebridge on Bootup”.
In condensed form, start with this gist and then:
# mkdir /var/lib/homebridge
# useradd --system homebridge
# usermod -a -G i2c homebridge
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable homebridge
# systemctl start homebridge
$ systemctl status homebridge