I am working on improving my ability to write tests for Drupal: particularly for core and contrib development. Rather than just keep notes for myself, I thought I would share the resources I find in this repo so others can learn from this and contribute.
If you have resources you would like to contribute, feel free to fire up a pull request!
- Drupal 8 automated testing API docs
- PHPUnit guide
- SimpleTest guide
- Contributor task: write an automated test for a Drupal core bug
- What type of testing is good for me?, Yuriy Gerasimov (ygerasimov): video
- Behat: Behavior-Driven Development, Functional Tests & Selenium (in Drupal!), Ryan Weaver (weaverryan): video and slides
- Automated javascript testing: where we are and what we actually want, Daniel Wehner (dawehner): video
- Principles of Solitary Unit Testing, Joseph Purcell (josephdpurcell): video
- Behat+Mink+PhantomJS = Test ALL THE THINGS!, Michelle Sanver (michellesanver): video
- Visual Regression Testing, Amitai Burstein (amitaibu): video
- Testing with Monkeys: Using Chaos for Better Code, Andrew Holgate (andrewsuth): video
- SmarTest: Proposal for accelerating the detection of faults in Drupal, Ana Belén Sánchez (anabsanchez): video
- CI for CSS: Creating a Visual Regression Testing Workflow, Kate Kligman: video and slides
- Using Grunt to Manage Drupal Build and Testing Tools, Joe Turgeon (arithmetic): video and slides
- Test-driven Drupal upgrades, Alex Dergachev (dergachev), Dave Vasilevsky (vasi): video
- Multidimensional testing workflow before merge to master, Yuriy Gerasimov (ygerasimov), Andrii Podanenko (podarok): video and slides
- The Future of Drupal Functional Testing, Nick Schuch (nick_schuch), Cameron Zemek (grom358), Lee Rowlands (larowlan), Konstantin Kudryashov (everzet): video
- Doing Behaviour-Drive Development with Behat, Konstantin Kudryashov (everzet): video
- Automated Frontend Testing, Chris Ruppel (rupl): video
- From User Personas to Testing: A Project Manager's Journey to Behat, Michelle Lauer (miche): video
- Browser Eyeballing != JavaScript Testing, Jordan Kasper (jakerella): video
- Automated Frontend Testing, Chris Ruppel (rupl): video
- Leveraging 12 years of PHP Unit, Sebastian Bergmann: video
- Writing Unit Testable Code in Drupal 8, Mark Sonnabaum (msonnabaum): video
- JavaScript Testing, Théodore Biadala (nod_), Jesse Beach, Steve De Jonghe (Seutje): video and slides
- Automated Acceptance Tests with Behat, Nathan Lisgo (nlisgo): video
- Behat + Contrib, Melissa Anderson (eliza411), Howard Tyson (tizzo), Sam Boyer (sdboyer), Graham Taylor (tayzlor): video
- Selenium/Webdriver: What, Where, Why and How, Earnest Berry (souvent22): video
- Behat, Behavior-Driven Development and Selenium in Drupal, Ryan Weaver (weaverryan): video
- Automated Testing with Jasmine and PhantomJS, Ronn Abueg (ronnbot) and Aisha Kaliel (akaliel): video
- Testing your Drupal infrastructure, Barry Jaspan (bjaspan): video
- Show me the tests! Writing automated tests for Drupal, Lee Rowlands (larowlan): slides
- Automated Testing and Drupal, Steven W. Merrill: video
- Use SimpleTest!, Karsten Frohwein: no slides or video
- Introduction to testing with Drupal: SimpleTest, Jimmy Berry (boombatower): no slides or video
- Intro to SimpleTest, Florian Loretan (flobruit): video on session page
- Testing, part 1: Intro to testing, Angie Byron (webchick) and Florian Loretan (flobruit): video and slides
- Testing, part 2: Awesome testing party!, Angie Byron (webchick) and the Drupal Testing Brigade: video
- What is SimpleTest? and SimpleTest Automator: Automated Automated Testing, Charlie Gordon (cwgordon7): no slides or video
- SimpleTest: Because clicking on forms is for suckers, Angie Byron (webchick), Rok Zlender, Karoly Negyesi (chx), Jimmy Berry (boombatower): resource list on session page
- Write Unit Tests for Your Drupal 7 Code, Part 1, Mateu Aguiló Bosch (e0ipso), lullabot.com, August 5, 2015
- Write Unit Tests for Your Drupal 7 Code, Part 2, Mateu Aguiló Bosch (e0ipso), lullabot.com, August 10, 2015
- Automated Testing of Drupal 8 Modules, Daniel Sipos, sitepoint.com, May 1, 2015
- Write testable code in Drupal - part 3, practical expamples, Wouter Admiraal, wadmiraal.net, July 24, 2014
- Write testable code in Drupal - part 2, purity is the answer, Wouter Admiraal, wadmiraal.net, July 23, 2014
- Write testable code in Drupal - part 1, what is wrong with Drupal tests, Wouter Admiraal, wadmiraal.net, July 22, 2014
- CSS Regression Testing with Resemble.js, Blake Hall, lullabot.com, June 25, 2014
- Testing the front end with CasperJS, Juampy NR, lullabot.com, March 12, 2014
- 3 Easy Steps to Drupal Unit Tests, Erik Summerfield, phase2technology.com, October 2, 2012
- Writing automated tests in Drupal 7, Sascha Grossenbacher (berdir), March 11, 2010
- A Drupal Module Developer's Guide to SimpleTest, Angie Byron, lullabot.com, January 1, 2008
- An Introduction to Unit Testing in Drupal, Angie Byron, lullabot.com, November 26, 2007
- Automated Testing in Drupal 7 with SimpleTest, drupalize.me series