citruszest.nvim features a combination of bright and juicy colors reminiscent of various citrus fruits. The primary colors include vibrant oranges, zesty yellows, and refreshing greens. These colors are carefully selected to provide a visually stimulating and attention-grabbing experience while coding.
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
use { "zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim" }
Plug 'zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim'
Enable colorscheme
after installation.
In init.lua
vim.cmd("colorscheme citruszest")
In init.vim
colorscheme citruszest
To find highlight
group of word under cursor. Use Inspect
-- For using default config leave this empty.
option = {
transparent = false, -- Enable/Disable transparency
bold = false,
italic = true,
-- Override default highlight style in this table
-- E.g If you want to override `Constant` highlight style
style = {
-- This will change Constant foreground color and make it bold.
Constant = { fg = "#FFFFFF", bold = true}
supports lualine.nvim.
local lualine = require 'lualine'
lualine.setup {
options = {
theme = 'citruszest',
- nvim-cmp
- Telescope
- Nvimtree
- nvim-ts-rainbow2
- fidget.nvim
- gitsigns.nvim
- alpha.nvim
- whichkey.nvim
- flash.nvim
- lazy.nvim
- dashboard-nvim
- Kitty users copy this into their
. Xresources
is available here.- Foot terminal users can use this.
- iterm2 user can use this.
- Alacritty user can use this.
- Konsole user put this into
and then select the theme on Konsole's profile settings - Wezterm users can use this
- Mutt/Neomutt users can add this (or the 256 color version) to their
- SpaceCamp - For inspiring me write my own colorscheme.
- FluoroMachine.nvim - For the beautiful colorscheme.
- catppuccin - For describing highlight groups.