- Few issues resolved regarding theme
- There is a flag you need pass to remove assist mode from sdk ZOOP_WITHOUT_ASSIST_MODE_ONLY = true
- After Opening SDK only without assist mode will be visible to users
In your manifest.xml add provider with authority "YOUR PACKAGE NAME".provider
<provider android:name="android.support.v4.content.FileProvider" android:authorities="<<YOUR PACKAGE NAME>>.provider" android:exported="false" android:grantUriPermissions="true"> <meta-data android:name="android.support.FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS" android:resource="@xml/provider_paths" /> </provider>
Create github.properties file in your root project and add
gpr.usr = <<Your github user id>> gpr.key = <<Your personal access token of github>> //give read/write packages permission to token
In app build.gradle file copy the code below
def githubProperties = new Properties() githubProperties.load(new FileInputStream(rootProject.file("github.properties"))) repositories { maven { name = "GitHubPackages" url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/zoop/zoop-offline-aadhaar-android-sdk") credentials { username = githubProperties['gpr.usr'] password = githubProperties['gpr.key'] } } }
AadhaarAPI provide WEB and Mobile gateway for fetching Aadhaar Information of Users. Using these gateways any organization onboarded with us can get User's aadhaar data from their masked E-aadhaar PDF’s, Offline Aadhaar XML and mAadhaar QR image. Video for better understanding (https://youtu.be/IoIh2Q9mnMo)
- At your backend server, Initiate the offline aadhaar transaction using Rest API [POST] call. Details of these are available in the documents later. You will require API key and Agency Id for accessing this API which can be generated from the Dashboard.
- This gateway transaction id then needs to be communicated back to the frontend where SDK functions are to be called.
- After including the SDK files (JS & CSS) at frontend and a small HTML snippet, client has to pass above generated transaction id to an SDK function to create a new gateway object and then open the gateway using another function call.
- This will open the gateway and the rest of the process till response will be handled by the gateway itself.
- Once the transaction is successful or failed, appropriate handler function will be called with response JSON, that can be used by the client to process the flow further.
- Result data will be sent to the responseUrl requested via INIT call.
- Client will also have a REST API available to pull the status of a gateway transaction from backend and reason of failure.
To initiate a gateway transaction a REST API call has to be made to backend. This call will generate a Gateway Transaction Id which needs to be passed to the frontend web-sdk to launch the gateway.
URL: POST {{base_url}}/gateway/offline-aadhaar/init
For Pre-Production Environment: https://preprod.aadhaarapi.com
For Production Environment: https://prod.aadhaarapi.com
Example Url: https://preprod.aadhaarapi.com/gateway/offline-aadhaar/init
QT_API_KEY: <<your api key value – available via Dashboard>>
QT_AGENCY_ID: <<your agency id value – available via Dashboard>>
Content-Type: application/json
"response_url" : "<<response url>>",
"purpose" : "<<Purpose of transaction>>",
"face_match" : "<<Y or N>>"
"id": "<<transaction id>>",
"env": 1,
"webhook_security_key": "<<webhook id>>",
"face_match": "N",
"response_url": "<<response url>>"
The above generated gateway transactionId has to be made available in your android project to open the Offline Aadhaar SDK.
Note: A transaction is valid only for 30 mins after generation.
Implement below line in your build.gradle file at app level under dependency section
implementation 'sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar:offline_aadhaar:1.1.2'
To add SDK file as library in your Project, Perform the following Steps:
- Right click on your project and choose “Open Module Settings”.
- Click the “+” button in the top left to add a new module.
- Choose “Import .JAR or .AAR Package” and click the “Next” button.
- Find the AAR file using the ellipsis button (“…”) beside the “File name” field.
- Keep the app’s module selected and click on the Dependencies pane to add the new module as a dependency.
- Use the “+” button of the dependencies screen and choose “Module dependency”.
- Choose the module and click “OK”.
Import following files in your Activity:
import sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopActivity.ZoopConsentActivity;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.OFFLINE_AADHAAR;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.OFFLINE_AADHAAR_ERROR;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.OFFLINE_AADHAAR_SUCCESS;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.REQUEST_AADHAARAPI;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_EMAIL;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_ENV;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_PHONE;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_REQUEST_TYPE;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_RESULT;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_TAG;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_TRANSACTION_ID;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_UID;
import static sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar.zoopUtils.ZoopConstantUtils.ZOOP_IS_ASSIST_MODE_ONLY;
All dependencies are mandatory to import in app.gradle file of yours
def githubProperties = new Properties()
githubProperties.load(new FileInputStream(rootProject.file("github.properties")))
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/zoop/zoop-offline-aadhaar-android-sdk")
credentials {
username = githubProperties['gpr.usr']
password = githubProperties['gpr.key']
dependencies {
implementation 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:28.0.0' //(Mandatory to import in app.gradle file with your app target version)
implementation 'sdk.zoop.one.offline_aadhaar:offline_aadhaar:1.1.2'// only if you are using gradle dependency in this
// implementation project(':offline_aadhaar-releaseV1.1.2')// only if you are using AAR file then
implementation 'com.android.volley:volley:1.1.0'
implementation 'io.sentry:sentry-android:1.7.27' //COPY SENTRY TO LOG ERROR MESSAGES (Mandatory to import in app.gradle file)
gpr.usr = <<Your github user id>>
gpr.key = <<Your personal access token of github>> //give read/write packages permission to token
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
<activity android:name=".MainActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
android:authorities="<<YOUR PACKAGE NAME>>.provider"
android:resource="@xml/provider_paths" />
Use the Intent Function to call the Offline Aadhaar SDK from your Activity as shown below:
String GatewayId, Email, baseUrl = "QT_PP", phone
Intent gatewayIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, ZoopConsentActivity.class);
gatewayIntent.putExtra(ZOOP_TRANSACTION_ID, "222c21aa-2fff-4ec6-94cb-04d68174324a");
gatewayIntent.putExtra(ZOOP_BASE_URL, baseUrl);
gatewayIntent.putExtra(ZOOP_EMAIL, Email); //not mandatory
//gatewayIntent.putExtra(ZOOP_UID, uid); //not mandatory
gatewayIntent.putExtra(ZOOP_PHONE, phone); //not mandatory
gatewayIntent.putExtra(ZOOP_WITHOUT_ASSIST_MODE_ONLY, false); //not mandatory
startActivityForResult(gatewayIntent, REQUEST_AADHAARAPI);
Params: GatewayId: “Transaction Id generated from your backend must be passed here”
environment: for pre-prod use "QT_PP" and for prod use "QT_P"
isShareCodePreFill: if it is true then 4-digit share code will be filled randomly otherwise you need to fill it manually.
GatewayId = "a051231e-ddc7-449d-8635-bb823485a20d";
Email = “[email protected]";
baseUrl = "QT_PP";
The responses incase of successful transaction as well as response in case of error will be sent to your activity & can be handled via onActivityResult( ) method as shown below.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
String responseString0 = "No Data Received";
if (null != data) {
responseString0 = data.toString();
Log.d(ZOOP_TAG, " res 0" + responseString0);
if (requestCode == REQUEST_AADHAARAPI && null != data) {
String requestType = "null";
if (data.hasExtra(ZOOP_REQUEST_TYPE)) {
requestType = data.getStringExtra(ZOOP_REQUEST_TYPE);
Log.d(ZOOP_TAG, " res 1" + requestType);
} else {
Log.d(ZOOP_TAG, " res 1" + requestType);
if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
String responseString = data.getStringExtra(ZOOP_RESULT);
Log.e("SDK test error ", requestType + " err " + responseString + resultCode);
if (requestType.equalsIgnoreCase(OFFLINE_AADHAAR)) {
//String responseString1 = data.getStringExtra(ZOOP_RESULT);
if (resultCode == OFFLINE_AADHAAR_SUCCESS) {
String responseString = data.getStringExtra(ZOOP_RESULT);
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseString);
} catch (JSONException e) {
tvResult.setText(String.format("complete Response: %s", responseString));
Log.d("SDK test result ", requestType + " res " + responseString);
if (resultCode == OFFLINE_AADHAAR_ERROR) {
String errorString = data.getStringExtra(ZOOP_RESULT);
// tvResult.setText(errorString);
Log.d("SDK test error ", requestType + " err " + errorString);
} else {
Log.d(ZOOP_TAG, " res 1" + requestType);
The instructions message can be modify from strings.xml file
<string name="zoopTimerInstr">waiting for OTP confirmation</string>
<string name="zoopTimerInstrShare">waiting for OTP confirmation before please enter share code</string>
<string name="tv_timer_finish">OTP wait time finished</string>
<string name="zoopConsentInstrProceed"> By Proceeding button, you\'ll sharing the Aadhaar XML to {Company Name} for the {purpose (Ex. Loan)} post successful transaction</string>
"response_url":"<<response url>>",
"purpose":"Testing aadhaar",
"request_timestamp":"2021-02-15 14:34:05:538 +05:30",
"response_timestamp":"2021-02-15 14:34:05:545 +05:30",
"Name":"<<user name>>",
"Image":"<<Base 64 of user image>>",
"AddressEnglish":"<<Base 64 of user image>>",
"house":"<<house number>>",
"postoffice":"<<post office>>",
"postalcode":"<<pin code>>"
"EmailInfo":"Not Verified",
"Xml":"<<xml file response>>",
"pdf_url":"<<downloaded zip file url>>",
"password":"<<share code>>",
"FaceMatchScore":"<<Facematch Score out of 100>>",
"UserSelfie":"<<base 64 of user selfie image>>"
"id": "<<transaction id>>",
"env": <<environment code>>,
"mode": "<<mode>>",
"transaction_status": 6,
"internal_status": <<internal status for failure (refer below)>>,
"transaction_attempts": <<number of attempts>>,
"public_ip": "<<user ip address>>",
"request_medium": "<<what was origin of request web or mobile>>",
"response_url": "<<response url of agency>>",
"face_match": "<<Y or N>>",
"face_match_resp": "<<Y,N or S (if face match got a response or not) S stands for skipped>>",
"face_match_remark": "<<in case of face_match_resp = s , Reason why face match was skipped>>",
"face_match_txn": "<<face match transaction id>>",
"request_consent": "<<user consent Y or N>>",
"request_timestamp": "2019-01-22 18:33:09:602 +05:30",
"response_timestamp": "2019-01-22 18:33:09:626 +05:30"
"ZOOP_004": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_004",
"sdk_response": "Download Manager is disabled",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_005": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_005",
"sdk_response": "Permissions not granted by the user",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_006": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_006",
"sdk_response": "Go to settings and enable required permissions",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_007": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_007",
"sdk_response": "Unknown Error Occured",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_008": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_008",
"sdk_response": "KYC XML download failed"
"ZOOP_009": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_009",
"sdk_response": "Share code is invalid."
"ZOOP_010": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_010",
"sdk_response": "File not found",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_011": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_011",
"sdk_response": "Camera error",
"statusCode": 5
"ZOOP_012": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_012",
"sdk_response": "Camera error",
"statusCode": 5
"ZOOP_013": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_013",
"sdk_response": "User cancelled image capture",
"statusCode": 5
"ZOOP_014": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_014",
"sdk_response": "Failed to capture image",
"statusCode": 5
"ZOOP_015": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_015",
"sdk_response": "Error downloading XML on phone"
"ZOOP_016": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_016",
"sdk_response": "Error Downloading XML on phone, no storage directory was found",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_017": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_017",
"sdk_response": "KYC ZIP download failed"
"ZOOP_018": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_018",
"sdk_response": "Failed to capture image",
"statusCode": 5
"ZOOP_020": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_020",
"sdk_response": "Aadhaar number does not have mobile number",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_021": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_021",
"sdk_response": "Please Enter Valid Captcha"
"ZOOP_022": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_022",
"sdk_response": "Technical issue please try after some time",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_023": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_023",
"sdk_response": "Technical issue please try after some time",
"statusCode": 6
"ZOOP_024": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_024",
"sdk_response": "Transaction terminated by the user",
"statusCode": 11
"ZOOP_026": {
"error_code": "ZOOP_026",
"sdk_response": "OTP Wait time expired"