High level utilities for compiling Vue single file components
This package contains high level utilities that you can use if you are writing a plugin / transform for a bundler or module system that compiles Vue single file components into JavaScript. It is used in rollup-plugin-vue version 3 and above.
The API surface is intentionally minimal - the goal is to reuse as much as possible while being as flexible as possible.
Creates a compiler instance.
interface Options {
script?: ScriptOptions
style?: StyleOptions
template?: TemplateOptions
interface ScriptOptions {
preprocessorOptions?: any
interface StyleOptions {
postcssOptions?: any
postcssPlugins?: any[]
postcssModulesOptions?: any
preprocessOptions?: any
postcssCleanOptions?: any
trim?: boolean
interface TemplateOptions {
compiler: VueTemplateCompiler
compilerOptions: VueTemplateCompilerOptions
preprocessOptions?: any
transformAssetUrls?: AssetURLOptions | boolean
transpileOptions?: any
isProduction?: boolean
optimizeSSR?: boolean
Takes raw source and compiles each block separately. Internally, it uses compileTemplate and compileStyle from @vue/component-compiler-utils.
interface DescriptorCompileResult {
customBlocks: SFCBlock[]
scopeId: string
script?: CompileResult
styles: StyleCompileResult[]
template?: TemplateCompileResult & { functional: boolean }
interface CompileResult {
code: string
map?: any
interface StyleCompileResult {
code: string
map?: any
scoped?: boolean
media?: string
moduleName?: string
module?: any
interface TemplateCompileResult {
code: string;
source: string;
tips: string[];
errors: string[];
functional: boolean;
The blocks from the resulting descriptor should be assembled into JavaScript code:
assemble(compiler: SFCCompiler, filename: string, result: DescriptorCompileResult, options: AssembleOptions): AssembleResults
interface AssembleResults {
code: string
map?: any
interface AssembleOptions {
normalizer?: string
styleInjector?: string
styleInjectorSSR?: string
The assemble
method is an example implementation for how to combine various parts from the descriptor. You can provide custom implementations for normalizer
, styleInjector
and styleInjectorSSR
- Directly in-lined (default)
- Using a global function (normalizer: 'myComponentNormalizer')
- Using an import ({ normalizer: '~my-component-normalizer' })
The assemble
method also accepts global variable name in source
, map
and module
of styles.