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Merge pull request #1201 from pnax/caching
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Caching: add global cache based on Redis (experimental)
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Alexandre Pion committed Nov 30, 2023
2 parents ba0f7e0 + ae6934b commit c69fc49
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Showing 8 changed files with 427 additions and 25 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions MANIFEST
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ lib/Zonemaster/Engine/
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20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions lib/Zonemaster/Engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,10 @@ sub _build_dns {
sub _build_cache {
my ( $self ) = @_;

Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache->new( { address => $self->address } );
my $cache_type = Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache->get_cache_type( Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->effective );
my $cache_class = Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache->get_cache_class( $cache_type );

$cache_class->new( { address => $self->address } );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,12 +364,14 @@ sub query {
else {
$md5->add( q{EDNS_UDP_SIZE} , 0);

my $idx = $md5->b64digest();
if ( not exists( $self->cache->data->{$idx} ) ) {
$self->cache->data->{$idx} = $self->_query( $name, $type, $href );

my ( $in_cache, $p) = $self->cache->get_key( $idx );
if ( not $in_cache ) {
$p = $self->_query( $name, $type, $href );
$self->cache->set_key( $idx, $p );
$p = $self->cache->data->{$idx};

Zonemaster::Engine->logger->add( CACHED_RETURN => { packet => ( $p ? $p->string : 'undef' ) } );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -612,6 +617,9 @@ sub restore {

my $cache_type = Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache->get_cache_type( Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->effective );
my $cache_class = Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache->get_cache_class( $cache_type );

open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Failed to open restore data file: $!\n";
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
my ( $name, $addr, $data ) = split( / /, $line, 3 );
Expand All @@ -620,7 +628,7 @@ sub restore {
name => $name,
address => Net::IP::XS->new($addr),
cache => Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache->new( { data => $ref, address => Net::IP::XS->new( $addr ) } )
cache => $cache_class->new( { data => $ref, address => Net::IP::XS->new( $addr ) } )
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61 changes: 44 additions & 17 deletions lib/Zonemaster/Engine/Nameserver/
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Expand Up @@ -5,38 +5,45 @@ use version; our $VERSION = version->declare("v1.0.4");
use 5.014002;
use warnings;

use Moose;
use Zonemaster::Engine;
use Class::Accessor "antlers";

our %object_cache;

has 'data' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[Maybe[Zonemaster::Engine::Packet]]', default => sub { {} } );
has 'address' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Net::IP::XS', required => 1 );
has 'data' => ( is => 'ro' );
has 'address' => ( is => 'ro' );

around 'new' => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
sub get_cache_type {
my ( $class, $profile ) = @_;
my $cache_type = 'LocalCache';

my $obj = $self->$orig( @_ );
if ( $profile->get( 'cache' ) ) {
my %cache_config = %{ $profile->get( 'cache' ) };

if ( not exists $object_cache{ $obj->address->ip } ) {
Zonemaster::Engine->logger->add( CACHE_CREATED => { ip => $obj->address->ip } );
$object_cache{ $obj->address->ip } = $obj;
if ( exists $cache_config{'redis'} ) {
$cache_type = 'RedisCache';

Zonemaster::Engine->logger->add( CACHE_FETCHED => { ip => $obj->address->ip } );
return $object_cache{ $obj->address->ip };
return $cache_type;

sub get_cache_class {
my ( $class, $cache_type ) = @_;

my $cache_class = "Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache::$cache_type";

require ( "$" =~ s{::}{/}gr );

return $cache_class;

sub empty_cache {
%object_cache = ();


no Moose;
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable( inline_constructor => 0 );


=head1 NAME
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +72,26 @@ A reference to a hash holding the cache of sent queries. Not meant for external
=item get_cache_type()
my $cache_type = get_cache_type( Zonemaster::Engine::Profile->effective );
Get the cache type value from the profile, i.e. the name of the cache module to use.
Takes a L<Zonemaster::Engine::Profile> object.
Returns a string.
=item get_cache_class()
my $cache_class = get_cache_class( 'LocalCache' );
Get the cache adapter class for the given database type.
Takes a string (cache database type).
Returns a string, or throws an exception if the cache adapter class cannot be loaded.
=item empty_cache()
Clear the cache.
Expand Down
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions lib/Zonemaster/Engine/Nameserver/Cache/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
package Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache::LocalCache;

use version; our $VERSION = version->declare("v1.0.4");

use 5.014002;
use warnings;

use Carp qw( confess );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );

use Zonemaster::Engine;
use Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache;

use base qw( Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache );

our $object_cache = \%Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache::object_cache;

sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
my $attrs = shift;

confess "Attribute \(address\) is required"
if !exists $attrs->{address};

# Type coercions
$attrs->{address} = Net::IP::XS->new( $attrs->{address} )
if !blessed $attrs->{address} || !$attrs->{address}->isa( 'Net::IP::XS' );

# Type constraint
confess "Argument must be coercible into a Net::IP::XS: address"
if !$attrs->{address}->isa( 'Net::IP::XS' );
confess "Argument must be a HASHREF: data"
if exists $attrs->{data} && ref $attrs->{data} ne 'HASH';

# Default value
$attrs->{data} //= {};

my $ip = $attrs->{address}->ip;
if ( exists $object_cache->{ $ip } ) {
Zonemaster::Engine->logger->add( CACHE_FETCHED => { ip => $ip } );
return $object_cache->{ $ip };

my $obj = Class::Accessor::new( $class, $attrs );

Zonemaster::Engine->logger->add( CACHE_CREATED => { ip => $ip } );
$object_cache->{ $ip } = $obj;

return $obj;

sub set_key {
my ( $self, $idx, $packet ) = @_;
$self->data->{$idx} = $packet;

sub get_key {
my ( $self, $idx ) = @_;

if ( exists $self->data->{$idx} ) {
# cache hit
return ( 1, $self->data->{$idx} );
return ( 0, undef );


=head1 NAME
Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::LocalCache - local shared caches for nameserver objects
This class should not be used directly.
Subclass of L<Zonemaster::Engine::Nameserver::Cache>.
=item new
Construct a new Cache object.
=item set_key($idx, $packet)
Store C<$packet> (data) with key C<$idx>.
=item get_key($idx)
Retrieve C<$packet> (data) at key C<$idx>.

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