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Getting an Environment Started

reggieroby edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 2 revisions
awwwwww, so cute!
  1. You will need a server to host our app
    • I recommend downloading Netbeans for 2 reasons:
      1. it will run most applications that we have on Code For America-KC
      2. it is very useful with using git.(great IDE for beginers)

  2. You need your own copy("Fork") of this project
    • Make your own Fork of the app on your github.

  3. Clone your project into Netbeans
    1. On the toolbar click Team/Git/Clone..
      1. Enter this Repository URL:
        leave the User and Password fields blank, click next.
      2. clone step 1
      3. Ensure that the gh-pages* branch is selected, click next.
      4. clone step 2
      5. Leave these fields as they are.
        Ensure that Scan for Netbeans Projects after Clone is checked, click finish.
      6. clone step 3

  4. Import your project into Netbeans
    1. click Create Project...
    2. import step 1
    3. click HTML5 Application with Existing Sources, click next.
    4. import step 2
    5. Next to Site Root click Browse... to navigate to the project you just cloned.
    6. import step 3
    7. Click Code-for-America-Projects-Hub folder, click Open.
    8. import step 4
    9. Step 4 should auto-populate all fields, leave them as they are, click Finish.
    10. import step 5
    11. You are done importing the project. you should see it appear in the Projects sidebar.
    12. import step 6
    13. click Run/Select Project Browser.
      select the browser you would like to use. (dont select the embedded browser or one with a netbeans connector)
    14. import step 7
    15. in the main project directory, right-click on index.html and select Run File
    16. import step 8
    17. You should see the main project open in your browser.
    18. import step 9

  5. Making your first changes and submitting("Push") them
    1. in the main project directory double-click new_members_test.html to open for editing
    2. import step 1
    3. click HTML5 Application with Existing Sources, click next.
    4. import step 2
    5. Next to Site Root click Browse... to navigate to the project you just cloned.
    6. import step 3
    7. Click Code-for-America-Projects-Hub folder, click Open.
    8. import step 4
    9. Step 4 should auto-populate all fields, leave them as they are, click Finish.
    10. import step 5
    11. You are done importing the project. you should see it appear in the Projects sidebar.
    12. import step 5