The benchmarks can be used for CPU, GPU, FPGA, or other architectures that support OpenCL and SYCL. It was written with GPUs in mind, so targeting other architectures may require heavy optimization.
Intel® DPC++ compiler in OneAPI Base Toolkit (
Codeplay ComputeCpp™ (
To compile each benchmark with the default settings, navigate to your selected source directory and use the following command:
You can alter compiler settings in the included Makefile. For example, use the Codeplay SYCL compiler
make VENDOR=codeplay
There are also a number of switches that can be set in the makefile. Here is a sample of the control panel at the top of the makefile:
DEBUG = yes
- Optimization enables the -O3 optimization flag
- Debugging enables the -g and/or -DDEBUG flag
To run a benchmark, use the following command:
make run
Note the dataset, which is needed for certain benchmarks, can be downloaded at
A bash script is provided to attempt to run all the benchmarks:
Authored and maintained by Zheming Jin ( with help from Nevin Liber
Jin, Zheming. The Rodinia Benchmark Suite in SYCL. No. ANL/ALCF-20/6. Argonne National Lab. Argonne, IL (United States), 2020
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Results presented were obtained using the Chameleon testbed supported by the National Science Foundation and the Intel® DevCloud.
[1] Che, S., Boyer, M., Meng, J., Tarjan, D., Sheaffer, J.W., Lee, S.H. and Skadron, K., 2009, October. Rodinia: A benchmark suite for
heterogeneous computing. In 2009 IEEE international symposium on workload characterization (IISWC) (pp. 44-54). IEEE.
[2] Che, S., Sheaffer, J.W., Boyer, M., Szafaryn, L.G., Wang, L. and Skadron, K., 2010, December. A characterization of the Rodinia
benchmark suite with comparison to contemporary CMP workloads. In IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC'10) (pp. 1-11). IEEE.