Successor plugin of FroshProfiler and FroshMailCatcher
- Checkout Plugin in
- Download FroshPluginUploader and run
ext:prepare [folder to plugin]
- Install the Plugin with the Plugin Manager
- Show Twig Includes / Blocks in Template as HTML Comment
- Disable Annoying Storefront Error Handler
- Disables Twig Cache
- Twig Variables in Twig Tab
- Generate definition from command line
./bin/console frosh:make:plugin <plugin-name>
Optional with --namespace=xxx\\xx
specifying the namespace
Start wizard with
./bin/console frosh:make:definition My\\Plugin\\Namespace\\SomeDefinition
./bin/console frosh:make:migration <plugin-name> <entity-name>
Example entity name: product, category, order
Checks the difference of that definition with the database and creates a migration
./bin/console frosh:extend:template <plugin-name>
Asks for the block you want to extend and creates the twig extension file for you
Prints executed SQL to the console, in such a way that they can be easily copied to other SQL tools for further debugging. This is similar to the symfony debug bar, but useful in CLI commands and tests.
new \Frosh\DevelopmentHelper\Doctrine\EchoSQLLogger()