easy_install shodan
shodan init <your shodan API>
shodan search windows-xp
shodan search --fields ip_str,port,hostnames windows-xp
shodan download search windows-xp
shodan parse search.json.gz --fields ip_str,port,hostnames
shodan parse search.json.gz --fields ip_str,port,asn
shodan parse search.json.gz --fields ip_str,port,org
shodan parse search.json.gz --fields ip_str,port,OS
shodan myip
shodan host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
shodan serach -h
# How to use
When the argument passed host use IP as a parameter
Exemple: ./shodan_search.sh host
The above command will make one last fingerprint IP.
Searching services and aplications
Example: ./shodan_search.sh windows-xp