This repo contains JBoss EAP Marketplace templates for use on Azure Marketplace. Each subdirectory corresponds to one of the offered plans.
There are three different types of EAP on VM offers based on their outcomes.
- Clean up the folder offers. This step is optional.
- Execute ./GenerateOffers.ps1
- This powershell script will iterate through all the folders which have eap in it's name.
- For each folder, it'll add all the files except parameters file to a zip folder.
- It will store the zip inside offers directory.
- These zip files from the offers directory can then be published.
- Run Connect-AzAccount to login
- Run Set-AzContext -Subscription <subscriptionid>
create a parameters file
.<offer name>
This file should contain values for all the parameters
"location": {
"value": "southeastasia"
"vmName": {
"value": "jbvm"
"asName": {
"value": "jbas"
"adminUsername": {
"value": "azlinux"
"authenticationType": {
"value": "sshPublicKey"
"adminPasswordOrSSHKey": {
"value": "<Public ssh key>"
"vmSize": {
"value": "Standard_DS2_v2"
"numberOfInstances": {
"value": 3
"virtualNetworkNewOrExisting": {
"value": "existing"
"virtualNetworkName": {
"value": "pb-rg2-vnet"
"addressPrefixes": {
"value": [
"subnetName": {
"value": "default"
"subnetPrefix": {
"value": ""
"virtualNetworkResourceGroupName": {
"value": "pbasnal-rg2"
"bootDiagnostics": {
"value": "on"
"bootStorageNewOrExisting": {
"value": "existing"
"bootStorageAccountName": {
"value": "jbbootdiag"
"bootStorageReplication": {
"value": "Standard_RAGRS"
"bootStorageAccountResourceGroup": {
"value": "pbasnal-rg"
"jbossEAPUserName": {
"value": "azlinux"
"jbossEAPPassword": {
"value": "********"
"rhsmUserName": {
"value": "pbasnal-msft"
"rhsmPassword": {
"value": "******"
"rhsmPoolEAP": {
"value": ""
"rhsmPoolRHEL": {
"value": ""
.\Deploy-AzTemplate.ps1 -ArtifactStagingDirectory .\eap74-rhel8-payg-multivm -ResourceGroupLocation southeastasia -dev -UploadArtifacts
You can use the Azure Resource Manager Template Toolkit (arm-ttk
) to validate the templates. You'll need to have installed Powershell (for Mac, Windows, Linux).
- Donwload the latest TTK from
- Extract it somewhere
- Move into the
directory ( ttk/arm-ttk
) - Run Powershell
- Within Powershell, execute
Import-Module ./arm-ttk.psd1
- To validate one of the offers, run
Test-AzTemplate -TemplatePath [PATH TO OFFER BASE DIRECTORY]
The GitHub Actions file in this repo does the same on pull requests or pushes.
- Squash and merge