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A light-weight neural network optimizer for different software/hardware backends.


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A light weight neural network optimizer framework for different software/hardware backends.


LightNet is a lightweight neural network optimizer framework for different software/hardware backends.

See Documentation for its full usage and technical details.



The following steps have been tested for Ubuntu 18.04 but should work with other distros as well.

Most required packages can be installed using the following commands (sudo permission may be required):

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential perl git pkg-config check libjson-perl

This project also depends on TensorLight, a lightweight tensor operation library. Install it according to its repository before continuing to build LightNet.

  • (Optional) Packages for building documents

    Use the following commands to install the packages for building documents:

      $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
      $ pip3 install --user mkdocs markdown>=3.1.1 pygments
  • (Optional) Packages for building python packages

    Use the following commands to install the packages for building python packages (python3 for example):

      $ sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
  • (Optional) CUDA dependency

    You also have to install CUDA 8.0 (or later) according to its website CUDA Toolkit if you want to build with CUDA support. Remember to put nvcc (usually in /usr/local/cuda/bin) in environment variable PATH.

  • (Optional) cuDNN dependency

    You also have to install CUDA 8.0 (or later) and cuDNN 7.0 (or later) libraries, according to their websites CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN if you want to build with cuDNN support.

  • (Optional) TensorRT dependency

    You also have to install CUDA 8.0 (or later) and TensorRT 3.0 (or later) libraries, according to their websites CUDA Toolkit and TensorRT if you want to build with TensorRT support.

  • (Optional) Other packages for development

    NOTE The perl packages listed here are used under v5.26.1. If you are using a more recent perl version, there is a chance they are not able to be installed. I recommand using perlbrew to install and switch to perl-5.26.1 (there is another benefit: the cpan commands can be used without sudo).

      $ sudo cpan install Clone Devel::Confess Parse::RecDescent

Building and Installation

  1. Clone this repository to your local directory.

     $ cd <my_working_directory>
     $ git clone
     $ cd LightNet
  2. Configure and build

    First, configure your installation using:

     $ chmod +x configure
     $ ./configure

    There are options to custom your building and installation process. You can append them after ./configure. For example, use

     $ ./configure --install-dir=DIR

    to set the installation directory (default is /usr/local). Use

     $ ./configure --with-cuda=yes

    if you want to build with CUDA support.

    Detailed ./configure options can be displayed using ./configure -h.

    After that, use make to compile the binaries, and run the test. Finally, use make install to install the build directory into the installation directory.

  3. Other make options

    Use make info to see other make options. Especially, you can use make clean to clean up the build directory and all object files, and make uninstall to remove installed files from the installation directory.

After compilation and installation, the following components will be installed:

  • lightnet: LightNet command line tool
  • LightNet runtime library
  • il2json: LightNet intermediate language (IL) interpreter
  • pylightnet (optional): LightNet python wrapper package


LightNet provides 3 interfaces which can be used by developers and users:

Command Line Interface

From the command line, type lightnet -h to display the program's usage.

The command line interface is designed for two purposes:

  1. Compile a neural network model to an optimized model on the specified target platform to be run later with CLI or API.
  2. Run the optimized model with fixed data for debug/test purpose.

By default, lightnet both compiles and runs the model with zeroed data. It accepts models in the form of Intermediate Representation written in JSON. For a simple example, suppose we have a tiny network composed of three operators: create, slice, and print, which create a tensor, slice it in some dimensions and print it to stdout, as described here.

If we save the above tiny model in example.json, execute the following command, and we will get print's message:

$ lightnet example.json
[[2.000 3.000 4.000]
 [6.000 7.000 8.000]]
info: run time: 0.000019s

There is a more complicated example. To play with this example, LightNet should be configured with


Suppose there is a YOLOv3 model in yolov3.json generated by il2json (described in Model Format section later):

$ il2json protos/net/ -o yolov3.json

Then the following command will compile the yolov3.json model for the TensorRT platform, save the compiled model in out.json, and run the compiled model with zeroed data.

$ lightnet -t tensorrt yolov3.json
info: run time: 0.015035s

As we can see, combined with il2json utility, more human-readable IL ( Intermediate Language) models can also be accepted. In the following command, il2json first reads the IL model in protos/net/ and prints converted IR model to the pipe, then lightnet reads the IR model from the pipe (the trialing - tells lightnet to read from stdin), compiles and runs it.

$ il2json protos/net/ | lightnet -t tensorrt -
info: run time: 0.014997s

To just compile a model without running it, use the -c option. Default output file name is out.json, and -o option can change the output file name.

$ lightnet -t tensorrt -c -o yolov3-compiled.json yolov3.json

And then we can just run the compiled model efficiently without compilation, use the -r option.

$ lightnet -r yolov3-compiled.json
info: run time: 0.014979s

And if you have prepared a specific data file for the tensors in the model (maybe the weights), you can specify it with -f option.

$ lightnet -r yolov3-compiled.json -f your-datafile.wts

The -f option in lightnet may specifies the data file for both compilation and runtime. Some target platform may accept a data file in the compilation phase, such as the tensorrt platform, which enables the serialization of the tensorrt model, and makes the start up of the computation faster, see examples below.


An example using the C API is in example/object-detect.c.

This example performs an single-object detection algorithm using TensorRT, with ShuffleNetV2 as back-bone conv-net and SqueezeDet's detection part as feature expression algorithm.

To play with this demo, LightNet should be configured with


And to minimalize dependencies, this demo uses libjpeg to read JPEG files, which requires libjpeg-dev package to be installed, and can be installed in Ubuntu via

$ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev

After the installation of LightNet, you need to enter the example directory and compile the demo:

$ cd example
$ make

Then, in the example directory, enter the following commands to run the model::

$ il2json data/ -o out.json
$ ./object-detect out.json data/shuffledet_dac.wts data/images

Or, compile the model first, run the model later:

$ il2json data/ | lightnet -c -t tensorrt -f data/shuffledet_dac.wts -
$ ./object-detect -r out.json data/shuffledet_dac.wts data/images

The -f option in lightnet specifies a data file for compilation. Some target platform may accept a data file in the compilation phase, such as the tensorrt platform, which enables the serialization of the tensorrt model, and makes the start up of the computation faster.

And you should get a series of bounding boxes coordinates (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), one for an input image, printed in the terminal like this:

... some TensorRT log ...
[197.965088, 163.387146, 275.853577, 323.011322]
[197.478195, 161.533936, 276.260590, 322.812714]
[197.014648, 158.862747, 276.261810, 322.054504]
[196.676514, 160.987122, 275.435303, 322.000763]
[196.797455, 160.380035, 274.323181, 320.533020]
[196.917221, 161.277679, 273.463776, 319.580872]
frames per second of detection: 245.948881

In real projects, developers may draw the bounding boxes in the original image with any libraries they like (such as OpenCV, GTK...).

The Data Structures Documentation describes the technical details of the design and usage of C API.

Python API

An example using the python API is in example/ and demoed with example/ This example does the same detection algorithm as the C API demo.

To play with this demo, LightNet should be configured with

--with-tensorrt=yes --with-python=yes

And OpenCV for Python3 should be installed. A possible command for installation:

$ pip3 install -U opencv-python

After installation, enter the following commands in the example directory to run the model:

$ il2json data/ -o out.json
$ ./ out.json data/shuffledet_dac.wts data/images

Or, compile the model first, run the model later:

$ il2json data/ | lightnet -c -t tensorrt -f data/shuffledet_dac.wts -
$ ./ -r out.json data/shuffledet_dac.wts data/images

The -f option in lightnet specifies a data file for compilation. Some target platform may accept a data file in the compilation phase, such as the tensorrt platform, which enables the serialization of the tensorrt model, and makes the start up of the computation faster.

Then you should get a dection window with bouding boxes detecting the images in example/data/images dynamicly like the following screenshot, and a series of bounding boxes coordinates (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), one for an input image, printed in the terminal.


The Python API is analogous to the C API, whose usage is generally the same.

Model Format

LightNet uses an independent model format (or Intermediate Representation, IR) for neural network models, to provide the ability to support model formats of all kinds of NN frameworks, and to provide the flexibility to perform various optimization operations on the NN model.

The text-format IR directly consumed by LightNet is defined in a JSON format, which is verbose and well-formed and can be easily parsed, although a little hard for human to read (when the model gets bigger and has tens of thousands of lines of code). Thus we also provide a concise format for that JSON IR, called LightNet Intermediate Language (IL) for the ease of human reading, subfixed with .net. There is of course a tool, il2json, to carry out the task of translate the IL to JSON IR, which is installed by default. Our sample models in protos/net directory are all written in IL.

For example, the following command translates the IL in protos/net/ to the IR format yolov3.json.

$ il2json protos/net/ -o yolov3.json

Without -o yolov3.json, il2json will print to stdout, which is useful when combined with lightnet command line tool using pipes (see Command Line Interface for an example).

A model produced by another NN framework (such as Tensorflow or Pytorch) should be converted to an IR or IL model before compilation. LightNet has a subproject in tools/onnx2ln that hopes to reduce the difficulty of that procedure utilizing the ONNX format. But by now, the most reliable way is still to rewrite the NN model to the concise IL format, which is often composed of about only one or two hundred lines of code ( has 114 lines of code). And the other tools/onnx2ln method is still under development.


A light-weight neural network optimizer for different software/hardware backends.







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