This is a hash table library implemented in C. Both a basic hash table (ZHash) and a hash table with entries sorted by insertion order (ZSortedHash) are provided. The keys are strings and the values are void pointers.
The following hashing algorithm is used:
hash = 0;
while ((ch = *key++)) hash = (17 * hash + ch) % size;
(See for more information about hash functions.)
Collisions are resolved with separate chaining and a singly linked list. If the hash table is more than 50% full, it will increase the number of slots and rehash. Likewise, if it's less than 12.5% full, it will decrease the number of slots and rehash.
The possible numbers of slots are all prime numbers; each size is roughly two
times the previous size. The maximum number of slots is 1000000007
performance may degrade with more than 1000000007 / 2
Standard hash table. Basic hash table operations are supported: set
, get
, delete
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../src/zhash.h"
// gcc -Wall -Wextra hello.c ../src/zhash.c
// prints "hello world" to stdout
int main ()
struct ZHashTable *hash_table;
hash_table = zcreate_hash_table();
zhash_set(hash_table, "hello", (void *) "world");
if (zhash_exists(hash_table, "hello")) {
printf("hello %s\n", (char *) zhash_get(hash_table, "hello"));
if (zhash_exists(hash_table, "goodbye")) {
printf("goodbye %s\n", (char *) zhash_get(hash_table, "goodbye"));
return 0;
// create hash table
struct ZHashTable *zcreate_hash_table(void);
// free hash table (note that this only frees the table and the entry structs)
void zfree_hash_table(struct ZHashTable *hash_table);
// set key to val (if there is already a value, overwrite it)
void zhash_set(struct ZHashTable *hash_table, char *key, void *val);
// get the value stored at key (if no value, return NULL)
void *zhash_get(struct ZHashTable *hash_table, char *key);
// delete entry stored at key and return the value (if no value, return NULL)
void *zhash_delete(struct ZHashTable *hash_table, char *key);
// return true if there is a value stored at the key and false otherwise
bool zhash_exists(struct ZHashTable *hash_table, char *key);
Hash table with entries sorted by insertion order. The same hash table operations as ZHash are supported. In addition, an iterator is provided, which can be used to iterate through entries.
ZSortedHash is built on top of ZHash. Essentially, what it's doing is wrapping the the value in a linked list node when it is inserted. Then it does the necessary bookkeeping when an entry is deleted.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../src/zsorted_hash.h"
// gcc -Wall -Wextra sorted_hello.c ../src/zhash.c ../src/zsorted_hash.c
// prints "hello world" in English and French to stdout
int main ()
struct ZSortedHashTable *hash_table;
struct ZIterator *iterator;
hash_table = zcreate_sorted_hash_table();
zsorted_hash_set(hash_table, "hello", (void *) "world");
zsorted_hash_set(hash_table, "bonjour", (void *) "le monde");
for (iterator = zcreate_iterator(hash_table);
ziterator_exists(iterator); ziterator_next(iterator)) {
printf("%s %s\n", ziterator_get_key(iterator),
(char *) ziterator_get_val(iterator));
return 0;
// these functions behave the same as their counterparts in zhash.h
struct ZSortedHashTable *zcreate_sorted_hash_table(void);
void zfree_sorted_hash_table(struct ZSortedHashTable *hash_table);
void zsorted_hash_set(struct ZSortedHashTable *hash_table, char *key, void *val);
void *zsorted_hash_get(struct ZSortedHashTable *hash_table, char *key);
void *zsorted_hash_delete(struct ZSortedHashTable *hash_table, char *key);
bool zsorted_hash_exists(struct ZSortedHashTable *hash_table, char *key);
// create an iterator to be used in iteration functions below
struct ZIterator *zcreate_iterator(struct ZSortedHashTable *hash_table);
// free iterator
void zfree_iterator(struct ZIterator *iterator);
// return number of entries stored in the hash table
size_t zsorted_hash_count(struct ZSortedHashTable *hash_table);
// return true if the iterator is within bounds and false otherwise
bool ziterator_exists(struct ZIterator *iterator);
// get the key at the current position (if out of bounds, then return NULL)
char *ziterator_get_key(struct ZIterator *iterator);
// get the value at the current position (if out of bounds, then return NULL)
void *ziterator_get_val(struct ZIterator *iterator);
// move the position forward by one step
void ziterator_next(struct ZIterator *iterator);
// move the position back by one step
void ziterator_prev(struct ZIterator *iterator);
cd ./test
The test uses either the valgrind
or leaks
command to detect memory leaks.
The tests will fail if neither is present.
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04
with GCC 11.3.0
and on macOS 13.3.1
with Apple clang version 14.0.3