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A "lightweight" activities runtime and authoring (LARA) app in Rails 3.


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Lightweight Activities Runtime and Authoring (LARA)

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This is a Rails application intended to provide a platform for authoring and using "Lightweight" activities.

Getting started

  1. Check out the code:

     git clone
  2. Install the necessary gems:

     cd lara
     bundle install
  3. Initialize the database:

     rake db:setup
  4. If you have seed data, create it now.

  5. Set environment variables, particularly the cookie encryption key, by copying the file config/app_environment_variables.sample.rb to config/app_environment_variables.rb and editing its values as appropriate. For development purposes, you should just need a cookie key (the 'SECRET_TOKEN' value).

  6. Launch the application

     rails s
  7. Browse to the app in your browser: http://localhost:3000/

Editing CSS

This project was setup with Compass, however, you shouldn't ever need to run compass watch. The asset pipeline should take care of itself in development mode. This project does use Sass for the stylesheets.


The runtime environment supports the idea of themes. Themes mostly take the form of stylesheets. The themes come in two main families, the CC theme and the MW theme. You can look at app/assets/stylesheets/cc-runtime-base.scss or app/assets/stylesheets/mw-runtime-base.scss to see the two main families. Most themes inherit from cc-runtime-base, see for example has-atmosphere.scss which uses partials/_cc-theme-template.scss

Users and administration

User authentication is handled by Devise. Currently, the confirmation plugin is not enabled, so anyone who fills out the registration form (e.g. at http://localhost:3000/users/sign_up) will be automatically confirmed as a user. To get author or administrator privilege, the newly-registered user would need to be given those privileges by an existing admin user (on deployed systems e.g. staging or production).

On a local development instance, you can make an admin user by registering a new user at the link above, then running rake lightweight:admin_last_user in your shell. That will make the most-recently-created user an administrator. Needless to say, this task will not run in the production environment.

Some details about the relative authorization privileges of the author, admin and anonymous roles can be found by looking at the Ability class at app/models/ability.rb.

Running RSpec tests

If you haven't run tests on this project before, you first need to initialize the test database.

  RAILS_ENV=test rake db:setup
  rake db:test:prepare

Then, from the application root, run

  RAILS_ENV=test rspec spec

To re-initialize the test database, should that be necessary:

  RAILS_ENV=test rake db:drop db:setup
  rake db:test:prepare

The RSpec tests live in spec/. They use PhantomJS via Poltergeist to run Capybara tests, so you will need to have PhantomJS installed; it may be downloaded or installed with Homebrew:

  brew update && brew install phantomjs

If you wish to run tests continuously, Guard is configured; a simple guard should start it. Guard will skip some tests tagged "slow" in order to keep cycles short.

If you want to run tests using guard, tests will fail unless you specify a sqlite adaptor (as per config/database.sample.yml) -- TODO: Clean up tests so they work fine with mysql without the db:test:prepare step above.

Adding Embeddable support

This may be obsolete as of April 2013

To support new Embeddables:

  • Add a model definition and controller in app/models/embeddable/ app/controllers/embeddable/, respectively. The controller should have the necessary code to accept in-place-editing updates of individual fields in the Embeddable.
  • Add the resource to the "embeddable" namespace in config/routes.rb.
  • Add a view directory at app/views/embeddable/<embeddable_name>
  • Provide a _lightweight.html.haml partial within that view directory (for showing the Embeddable within an InteractivePage)
  • Provide a _author.html.haml partial as well (for editing the Embeddable)
  • Add the Embeddable's name as a string to the the Embeddable::Types constant in app/models/embeddable.rb.
  • There may be additional steps needed if the Embeddable is a question (i.e. it prompts the user for some kind of response which needs to be saved). Note LightweightActivity#questions for example.

Current work: reporting

LARA's runtime is being rebuilt to support reporting student answers and progress to Concord's project portals.

Single Sign-On

If you want to use a single sign-on provider, you will need to configure a client in the sign-on authority (e.g. the portal). You should also copy config/app_environmental_variables.sample.rb to config/app_environmental_variables.rb and edit as appropriate.

Delayed Job background job processing

see the readme at the github page

Delayed Job will run in synchronous mode unless one of two conditions is met:

  1. Rails is running in production mode, eg: RAILS_ENV=production rails s
  2. The environment variable DELAYEDJOB is set, eg: DELAYEDJOB=1 rails s

This configuration check happens in the initializer config/initializers/delayed_job_config.rb

To enque a job simply add handle_asynchronously :method_name to your models. eg:

class Device
  def deliver
    # long running method
  handle_asynchronously :deliver

There are other methods for enqueing jobs, but this is probably the easiest.

Deploying with EC2 load balancing using capistrano-autoscaling:

If you are going to deploy to a server with load balancing enabled (production), read deploy/production.rb

  1. Uncomment the auto-scale callback in config/deply/(server).rb or add one like this: after "deploy:restart", "autoscaling:update"
  2. Read the documentation here:
  3. export your credentials using something like this: export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='xxxx' and export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='xxxx'


This application was developed as a standalone version of the original code developed for the Lightweight Activities Plugin.. "Lightweight" has a specific meaning at Concord; briefly, it means an activity or interactive which may be run without Java, and it implies HTML5.


A "lightweight" activities runtime and authoring (LARA) app in Rails 3.







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