A program for testing the wifi-connection.
Correct values in .env
(it's barely used for now).
Run the make-target: make setup-env
(which just runs a basic command using python3).
Then run make activate-env, to see the command you'll need to run, to activate the virtual environment:
source wifianalyzerenv/bin/activate
... This isn't that smart/clever, but just made like this, so all setup and executing starts from the Makefile.
make run
Then it'll ask you some questions (which is subject to change).
It uses Ookla's speedtest-cli
library, where it'll attempt a download of a large file (like speedtest.net).
It will output something like this:
# Trace the dig
dig +trace google.com
...Is it resolving the IP in the router?
# Wi-Fi info
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I
# Ping and traceroute
A list of applications I use.
Price: 59 DKK Not worth premium. Don't buy. Platform: Mac
Good for finding devices on network. Not worth premium. Don't buy. Platform: Mac
Gives a good analysis. Plus signal history! Premium is worth it, I'd say. But get the lifetime option. Platform: Mac
Seems good. Seems worth Premium. Untried Platform: Mac
Platform: Mac or Linux
Has to run with sudo, like: sudo mtr
Free and pretty interesting.