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LiteStack authentication middlewares

Swauth integrated API

After long battle with Swauth it was decided to use e-mail address as <account_id>. All because Swauth has no clear way to map from user name to account_prefix, pity.


use = egg:liteauth#liteauth_token

use = egg:liteauth#liteswauth
whitelist_url = /v1/liteauth/whitelist
invite_url = /v1/liteauth/invites
super_admin_key = <swauth super admin key>

use = egg:liteauth#oauthlogin
oauth_provider = google_oauth
# google_oauth params
google_client_id = <client id>
google_client_secret = <client secret>
google_scope =,
# login_oauth params
auth_endpoint = https://<auth proxy server address>/login/g
service_domain = https://<main proxy server address>

use = egg:liteauth#oauthlogin
oauth_provider = facebook_oauth
# facebook_oauth params
facebook_client_id = <client id>
facebook_client_secret = <client secret>
facebook_scope = basic_info,email
# login_oauth params
auth_endpoint = https://<auth proxy server address>/login/f
service_domain = https://<main proxy server address>

pipeline = <...> cache liteauth-token oauth-login-g oauth-login-fb lite-swauth swauth <...> proxy-server

Take note of the following config options, will be used in API calls:

  • auth_endpoint
  • service_domain

API calls

Example strings

auth_endpoint =
service_domain =

Login call

Request: GET <auth_endpoint>?state=<my_path>

Response: 302 Redirect -> will redirect user to the provider Oauth2 flow

Redirect End: User will be returned to: <service_domain><my_path>?account=<account_id>:<user_id>


Request: GET

Response: 302 Redirect -> will redirect user to the provider Oauth2 flow

Redirect End: User will be returned to:[email protected]:fb_1111111

After redirect is ended two cookies will be set in the browser:

  1. Name: session, Value: <auth token>, Path: /, Domain: <auth_endpoint_domain>, Secure, HttpOnly.
  2. Name: storage, Value: <auth_endpoint>, Path: /, Domain: <auth_endpoint_domain>, Secure

You can retrieve storage cookie with Javascript, you cannot retreive session cookie, by design.

Get Profile call

Request: GET <auth_endpoint_domain>/profile


  • 200 -> user is ok, you will get back a json document with the following format:
	  "groups": [
	    { "name": "<user_account_id>:<user_name>" },
             { "name": "<user_account_id>" },
             { "name": ".admin"}
           "auth": "plaintext:<user_authorization_key>"
  • 401 -> user is unathorized for the operation (cookies expired?), prompt to re-login.
  • 404 -> user never logged in before, call Update Profile.
  • 402 -> user is not in whitelist, prompt user to enter invite token, otherwise - access denied.
  • 409 -> user account was created with different auth provider (ex. created with Google, and user is logged in with Facebook), prompt to re-login.


Request: GET


  "groups": [
    { "name": "[email protected]:g_11111111" },
    { "name": "[email protected]" },
    { "name": ".admin"}
  "auth": "plaintext:aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd"

Update Profile call

Request: PUT <auth_endpoint_domain>/profile

Optional headers

  • X-Auth-User-Key: string - user can set <user_authorization_key> here, or get a random one (if unset).
  • X-Auth-Invite-Code: string - user can send an invite token here, if has one.


  • 201 -> profile was created, proceed to Get Profile call.
  • 202 -> same as above.
  • 401 -> user is unathorized for the operation (cookies expired?), prompt to re-login.
  • 403 -> user is forbidden for the operation, access denied, may try to re-login.
  • 500 -> internal server error, may try to re-login.


Request: PUT


X-Auth-User-Key: my_secret_password!!!1111

X-Auth-Invite-Code: 1111-1111-1111

Response: 201 Created

At this stage you should have all the user data needed to login through Swauth.

Tenant-Id: <user_account_id>
User-Name: <user_name>
Auth-Key: <user_authorization_key>

Go ahead and login using

After you log in to Swauth successfully two cookies will be set in the browser:

  1. Name: session, Value: <swauth token>, Path: /, Domain: <service_domain>, Secure, HttpOnly.
  2. Name: storage, Value: <swauth_swift_endpoint>, Path: /, Domain: <service_domain>, Secure

You can retrieve storage cookie with Javascript, you cannot retreive session cookie, by design.

Now you can retrieve storage cookie anytime user reloads the whole page, and have the endpoint handy for requests.

