Easily edit and preview your React pages in real-time using this TypeScript-based page editor.
This project is organized as a monorepo. The main components are:
if (code) return "it is in the monorepo";
// spike.land-frontend: /packages/code
// spike.land cloudflare worker: /packages/spike.land
// docker-images: /packages/groovy-devcontainer
// /packages/focal-devcontainer
// /packages/rolling-devcontainer
If you're interested in a specific component, check out the packages
You can explore the entire repository using Gitpod:
# If you opened the repo in Gitpod,
# - you're in luck!
# - Try the latest Ubuntu + Xfce with this command:
# After it opens, you can access the remote server on port :6080 in your browser.
For more information on JavaScript package managers, check out this article: