Automatic middleware that enables client cache based on ETag header
Install the module with: npm install restify-etag-cache
It works as a middleware, so its very easy to use the library:
var restify = require('restify');
var restifyEtagCache = require('restify-etag-cache');
var server = restify.createServer();
var options = {
ignore_routes : [ '/some/route/to/ignore/:withParam' ],
ignore_urls : [ '/some/specific/url/to/ignore' ],
weak: false
Its all ;)
The server will reply HTTP status code 304 (Not Modified) when it detects that the client already have the latest content version.
At this time, there are only two options available:
ignore_urls (array of urls)
ignore_routes (array of routes)
weak (boolean, set to use weak etag generation or not)